Trame, the festival of books on the mafia: the title is “A futuro memoria”

“A futuro memoria (if memory has a future)”. This is the title of the thirteenth edition of Festival of books on mafias “Trame” which, taking inspiration from the work of Leonardo Sciascia, will this year be held from 18 to 23 June in Lamezia Terme. At the center of the event there will be memory, precisely, the memory and the battles for freedom with the aim of stimulating reflection and dialogue to orient ourselves in the future, with the tools of knowledge that history has left us.

The festival, promoted and organized by the Trame Foundation and the anti-racket association Lamezia Onlus, was presented during the Turin International Book Fair, which selected it, for the second consecutive year, as part of the “Luci sui festival” project , dedicated to the main literary events of our country. This year, the foundation also received from Global initiative against transnational organized crime gi-toc based in Geneva, an important recognition for the artistic and cultural value of the initiative “deeming it particularly worthy as over the years it has been able to promote regional identity, create cohesion and increase the cultural level of the project’s public”.

The initiative will also be an opportunity to remember the centenary of the murder of Giacomo Matteotti, for which a lectio magistralis on the theme of “memory” is scheduled for Wednesday 19 June, created with the contribution of the Federico II University of Naples and in collaboration with the Treccani culture foundation. “When we talk about mafias, and the fight against mafias, there is not only a repressive term for the matter, it is much more complex. For this reason the festival will start a day early, precisely to discuss different aspects together”, commented Giovanni Tizian , artistic director of the festival.

“We will talk – he explains – about the theme of migrants and refugee day through a beautiful book, Powder magazine Tunisia, which tells the drama of those who live in Tunisia, of those who are unable to leave the country and of those who, being able to do so, are left to drown in the Mediterranean. We will deal with healthcare, starting from a reportage that has caused a lot of discussion, even in Calabria, convinced that this theme is also linked to the title of this edition, “To future memory”. We will do it with journalists, experts, and many other guests. We will then address the topic of tax havens, the redistribution of income and therefore inequality. We will talk about the Caivano decree and how some laws and regulations always target the weakest. All topics that revolve around the central issue: the mafias. Many new features this year: every day a double testimony from people who fought on the front line against the ‘Ndrangheta, entrepreneurs and families of victims. And then we will try to take our initiatives outside the historical places of the festival.”

Each of the six days of debate will be enriched by the testimonies and stories of personalities from the institutional, cultural, political and civil society world, both national and international. “Trame is an extraordinary container of ideas, of struggle, of battle, of community involvement on important issues that affect daily life and which therefore, correctly, enter into other issues. Because the battle cannot stop at the fight against extortion, but it must precisely enter into the daily lives of all of us and in all the fields in which malfeasance invades and pervades our community and our society”, stated Amalia Bruni, vice-president of the anti-‘ndrangheta commission of the Calabria Region. “This festival has the task of going beyond regional borders. This is the path that I hope for Trame. This is the culture that must be pursued. We need to think big, have big dreams. The experience is now done, there is a fabric important of ideas, men, women and forces that can now be projected towards the rest of Italy”.

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