A book, a concert, a painting. Let’s meet again to understand that…

The Turin Motor Show officially opens the season of festivals and exhibitions around Italy. In truth, never still, it is a constantly evolving world and perhaps this is the beauty of it. Suggestions, new books, an audience to pamper and perhaps adopt with new ideas. It will be spring, it will be the desire to reiterate that we are stubbornly there, even if numbers and statistics oppose us with facts and you can’t hide behind a finger.

What is the point then of continuing? Mai tami, for example? Do not resign yourself in any way to a state of affairs and try to reverse a course, and where politics perhaps struggles, be ready with networks built with difficulty (by the way, the Network of Literary Festivals of the Province of Trapani will be presented in Turin precisely Today).

I don’t know, I know that a special chemistry is created when you activate participatory processes, whether it’s a mural or the adoption of a text, but I feel this reaction and I see it in the kids. That world that you find between the pages of a book then creates others and they are unique visions in everyone who scrolls through them. But there must be an all-round vision, which talks about cinema, theatre, plastic arts, books, connecting these vectors so as to create an indispensable basic training kit: that change of pace that I have long hoped would provide that multiple subjects row in the same direction, public and private, actors in the world of culture in constant and direct dialogue – while maintaining their own identity.

“The square is mine” is Peppuccio Tornatore with his madman in the film, otherwise we wouldn’t have understood that we shouldn’t bother Leibniz and his monads.

A festival, a review (books, music, theatre) is in things a networking process, it involves multiple subjects and from there the strength to cement knowledge, knowledge, ways of working useful to everyone. If politics, due to its logic which is often elusive to many, follows paths that are unclear to most people, we who work in this world – and do not live inside a bubble – have not the need but the need to be together, we are under the obligation Of.

Reading about upcoming events in Italy is synonymous with life, it is rediscovering places thanks to completed urban regeneration processes, it is seeing new spaces being born thanks to the victory of tenders, it is doing despite everything and setting in motion virtuous mechanisms of the local economy.

An inattentive policy can no longer afford to ignore what is happening; a medium-term vision and discussion with the community on future challenges is required. A friend claims that a month lost in public administration is equivalent to a year to make up for. We must look at reality honestly.

The behind the scenes of a festival is made up of high professionalism; we can no longer afford to be an island with one-way tickets, or worse, a region where eighty percent of the population doesn’t buy books in a year (and the real drama is in the remaining twenty percent, believe me).

Revive curiosity – don’t know Bach? He enters that theater and perhaps a world will open up to you. Reclaim libraries, occupy them constantly and experience them as places of sociality, welfare and integration. We need to rediscover and experience strong passions; a like is not enough, not even an emoticon.

We must find ourselves and believe again that a book, a concert, a painting are not mere objects, but indispensable tools to improve ourselves. We need to find that time again; we need it, and something tells me that there are many of us who think so.

Giuseppe Prode

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)