Welcome to Naples. A collective and multifunctional urban session

Welcome to Naples. A collective and multifunctional urban session
Welcome to Naples. A collective and multifunctional urban session

Delivery by January 15, 2025

DIARC – University of Naples “Federico II”, with the patronage of the Municipality of Naples and ADI – Association for Industrial Design, launch the competition “Welcome to Naples – Design for the welcoming city”aimed at finding innovative solutions that stand out for their characteristics of adaptability, producibility, inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency.

The objective of this competition, aimed at both students and professionals, is design of a collective urban session to be placed in public and open spaces that invite dialogue and interaction.

The seat must have a multifunctional and representative character a place of temporary rest, of socializing, of experience and of storytelling.

The mainly usable materials are concrete, stone, wood, glass, ceramic, metals, smart technologies.

Are required solutions adaptable to different contexts (historic centre, squares, stations, seafront, peri-urban areas, parks, etc.) and which take into consideration problems of feasibility, maintenance, performance and general durability (resistance to wear, theft, vandalism, atmospheric agents).

Industrial partners: Cellublok · Cianciullo Marmi · Etesias · Giovanni De Maio · Lamberti Design · Tekla · Vinto Urban.

Participation is free. There are two categories of prizes:

  • STUDENTS: reserved for university students (of Architecture, Design, Engineering and Art courses) in progress or within one year of graduation
  • PRO: reserved for professional designers.

In both cases, group participation is permitted.

Requested documents

Participants must send the completed registration form to [email protected] by January 15, 2025with:

  • Descriptive text-only report | max 3,000 characters.
  • Book of 3 A3 tables with general concept of the project, overview, reference scenarios and methods of use · technical drawings · representation of the furniture, renderings, photos, elaborations.
  • Project preview image.

Evaluation criteria

  • originality
  • feasibility and coherence with the theme of the competition in reference to the functional characteristics required and the use of materials and technologies owned by the industrial partners.
  • ability to define new use scenarios with respect to the specific context by proposing typological, technological and/or morphological innovations


  • Massimo Perriccioli | DIARC – University of Naples “Federico II”
  • Ivo Caruso | DIARC | University of Naples “Federico II”
  • Laura Lieto | Councilor for Urban Planning of the Municipality of Naples
  • Vincenzo Trione | Councilor for Museum Planning and Contemporary Art of the Municipality of Naples
  • Carlo Martino | PDTA – Sapienza University of Rome
  • Antonella Venezia | President of ADI Campania
  • Gabriele Pardi and Laura Fiaschi | designer – founder GUMDESIGN


  • 1st Prize Student Category: 2,000 euros
  • 1st prize PRO Category: 2,500 euros

The awarded projects will be prototyped by the partner companies and, subsequently, their implementation will be evaluated. Furthermore, the jury will be able to evaluate the assignment of special mentions or mentions.

Announcement and information
[ diarc.unina.it ]

The expiry dates displayed are the result of editorial activity. The only official dates are those contained in the text of the announcement and/or on the website of those who organize or promote the competition. Always check its validity with the issuing body.

published on: 06/26/2024

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