the archbishop of Burgos decreed the crime of schism

The Archbishop of Burgos has decreed the excommunication of the ten Poor Clares of Belorado who claimed to have “voluntarily separated” from the Church. The (former) nuns refuse to appear before the ecclesiastical tribunal of the archbishopric because they no longer recognize its authority.

Excommunication falls on the rebel Poor Clares of Burgos

The ten “rebel” nuns of the monasteries of Belorado (Burgos) and Orduna (Vitoria) had communicated by registered mail the «Irreversible and unanimous decision» to abandon the Catholic Church. And they assured that they do not fear excommunication since any “conviction or canonical sanction” for them is “null” as it “has no power over souls” and is “lacking in effectiveness”. The statement was released today by the nuns on social networks .

They assure that the decision to abandon the Catholic Church is the result of “mature, thoughtful and conscious reflection”. «We part freely and voluntarily, unanimously and with cheerfulness of spirit», they note in the note, in which they underline again that the Catholic Manifesto of May 13, signed by the abbess «has been signed by all».

Known in the media as the “chocolate nuns” for the sweets they producethe Poor Clares had announced on May 13th the decision to place themselves under the protection and jurisdiction of Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco and his so-called Pia Union de Santi Pauli Apostoli, which is not in communion with Rome and whose founder was excommunicated in 2019. The reason for the dispute, according to what emerged, is also the real estate dispute relating to the convents of Belorado and Orduna.

Yesterday (Friday 21 June 2024) at 2.00 pm the deadline given to the Poor Clares to present themselves before the Ecclesiastical Tribunal to declare as accused of a crime of schism.

Since they did not show up, the archbishopric of Burgos declared their excommunication, which must be signed by Archbishop Mario Iceta. Last May 29, the Holy See entrusted Monsignor with. He accepted the position of “ad nutum pontifical commissioner” of the two religious complexes. But when, last June 7, the archdiocese of Burgos was presented with a delegation sent by the Pontifical Commissioner to the monastery of Santa Clara di Belorado, to «establish lines of dialogue and interlocution with the nuns» and communicate to them, through a notary, « the relevant notifications from the Court regarding the opening of the canonical process corresponding to the declaration of abandonment of the Catholic Church”, the nuns had called the civil guard. The former abbess, Sister Isabel, had let the delegation know that, apart from the notary, “she was not well received” in the monastery.


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