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L’aria che Tira, Cerno against everyone. “Cheap little lesson”, “Put*anate”, the double quarrel – Il Tempo

L’aria che Tira, Cerno against everyone. “Cheap little lesson”, “Put*anate”, the double quarrel – Il Tempo
L’aria che Tira, Cerno against everyone. “Cheap little lesson”, “Put*anate”, the double quarrel – Il Tempo

First with Lucia Azzolina, then with Riccardo Barenghi. Bright tones in the June 21st episode of L’Aria che Tira, a La7 TV program hosted by David Parenzo, with a real show by the director of Il Tempo, Tommaso Cerno. The first round is the one with the former minister and exponent of the 5 Star Movement. “If we want to say that fascism did good things… For goodness sake, everyone has their opinion, I studied history and I think it didn’t do anything good,” says Azzolina, with Cerno immediately replying: “These little lessons for four money… I can’t listen to the cultural level of the country, a former Minister of Education manages to make us this cheap Bignami that is of no use and says nothing. In this country Liliana Segre found the flags of Israel with a shit drawn instead of the Star, so shut up and don’t bring up Liliana Segre. Will you come and get Liliana Segre out of me? I don’t need her pantheon to express a thought. Do you know what I see in this debate? I see a country in which everyone is either fascist or left-wing and which has forgotten the true liberal Catholic anti-fascist republican component which is the foundation of this country. I no longer see – continues Cerno like a river in flood – De Gasperi, I only see Berlinguer against Mussolini, a country that never existed, a country that is becoming ignorant. The little lesson on fascism and racial laws… We can’t have a debate on fascism at this level, we’re not at the bar. C’mon, please”.

A few minutes later, still on the topic of fascism, the clash between Cerno and “Jena”, the signature of La Stampa, takes place. “It seems to me that Cerno threw it in the corner or in the stands, because he doesn’t talk about the fact…”, says the guest in the studio, with Cerno immediately interrupting him: “I didn’t throw it in the stands, I say what I think , it’s not that if I don’t say what you think I’ll throw it in the stands while you are a phenomenon that when you speak the ball is in the field, when the others speak the ball is in the stands. Say what you have to say and don’t bother me, I throw the ball exactly where I want and you throw it where you want and score the goal.” He goes back and forth with Barenghi: “Why are you so nervous?”. The director of Il Tempo immediately replies: “I’m not nervous, you have to start a speech by explaining what I said, but say what you think. For me, you’re not even touching the ball, you’re standing there talking bullshit.”

While Parenzo tries to restore calm, Barenghi’s response arrives: “I don’t talk to this guy, either you make him shut up or he doesn’t talk. He’s a fanatic. If you speak, the country doesn’t move forward, it goes backwards.” “Oh well, oh well…”, Cerno blurts out. “But he is a madman,” says the La Stampa journalist, with the dispute continuing without interruption. “I am a madman and you are a genius, Einstein, let Einstein talk, let’s hear the Nobel Prize winner Einstein”, Cerno’s last outburst, before the host partially manages to calm things down and get the conversation going .

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