«A government of unity». But the right remains divided (and Ciotti returns to the field)

«A government of unity». But the right remains divided (and Ciotti returns to the field)
«A government of unity». But the right remains divided (and Ciotti returns to the field)

PARIS A government of “national unity” that brings together all the unspecified “good will”, a program for now summarized in a flyer with eight points, a pension reform postponed to the Greek Calends, economic measures that are in any case correct because «the markets do not they will let us do what they let Macron do”: the Rassemblement National begins to prepare a possible arrival at the government of France, remaining vague and trying to reassure the markets which are already starting to show some signs of concern.

France, Le Pen: we can win and form a government of national unity


According to the newspaper le Monde, the potential Economy Minister of a Bardella government, the former RN MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy, has already made his own the idea that «all the first budgetary actions will be made without additional deficits». The godmother and guardian of the prime minister candidate Jordan Bardella, Marine Le Pen, launched a sort of appeal for national unity, promising that on Sunday, when all the lists running for the first round of elections on 30 June must have been presented, «we will there will be many surprises.” In other words: we will then see how many candidates and how many political movements have decided to join the Rassemblement National. Bardella announced that the agreement with the president of the Républicains Eric Ciotti has resulted in joint candidacies with neo-Gaullists in 70 constituencies. Which never ceases to tear apart the movement created by De Gaulle and which belonged to Chirac. Yesterday yet another twist: the Paris court accepted Ciotti’s appeal and invalidated his expulsion from the Républicains, decided by the party’s general staff which rejected outright his decision to form an alliance with the far right.

The battle is not over, Ciotti’s expulsion is technically “suspended”, like the fate of the party: who will be its legitimate heir, Le Pen’s new allies, or those who say they are independent and claim the general’s legacy? Galvanized by polls that show the Rassemblement National ahead of the new Popular Front of the left and with almost double the intentions compared to Macron’s centrist bloc, Marine Le Pen assured: «We have the possibility of winning these elections and of forming a government of national union ». If you left the task of “choosing the government team” to your dauphin, you nevertheless hoped for a “gathering of all French people, men and women of good will, who are aware of the catastrophic situation of our country”. The future team that could cohabit with President Macron does not yet have a precise program, even if the reference remains the one prepared for the 2022 presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. Which will still need to be readjusted.

For now, the candidates of the far-right bloc will receive a flyer with the photo of Jordan Bardella and, just behind, Marine Le Pen, the writing “Bardella prime minister” and the slogan “for a government of national union”. Within the eight priority points: the reduction of energy costs and VAT on gas and fuel, the reduction of legal and illegal immigration, with the strengthening of measures for the expulsion of foreign criminals, the end of “judicial laxity”, support to agriculture, in particular fighting against unfair competition, aid to the public hospital, the simplification of the rules that burden families and businesses, the fight against social and fiscal fraud and finally “to make the French respect, defend the sovereignty of France in Europe”. We don’t talk about the environment, nor about education, nor above all about pensions.


The reform desired by Macron, accompanied by a great season of protests and demonstrations, and strenuously opposed by Le Pen, will not be dismantled in the event of an RN government. Bardella has already made it known that it is no longer a priority and that pension reform according to Lepenist principles can wait for “a second part of the mandate”. Again according to Le Monde, a series of measures on which the Rassemblement National campaigned would have been excluded from an initial phase of government: abolition of VAT on one hundred basic necessities, tax exemption on the incomes of those under 30, tax exemption for succession. The explanation: previous governments left a complicated economic situation that leaves no room for maneuver. According to Marine Le Pen, the same former socialist finance minister and former European commissioner Pierre Moscovici advised her to “lift the lid” and carry out a general review of the state of finances. The only economic measure that a possible Bardella government would not feel like setting aside: the reduction in VAT of 5.5 percent on gas and fuel. It is also difficult to apply the campaign’s anti-immigration proclamations, especially in a government forced to coexist with a president of the opposite persuasion who would make the necessary constitutional revisions impossible to apply the restriction of the right to asylum or national discrimination in the allocation of homes popular.


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