Biden’s crackdown on immigration: the US closes (temporarily) the border with Mexico to asylum seekers

OfOnline editorial team

The UN: «Concern about the tightening of US policies on migrants». Human rights committees announce court challenges

The United States will temporarily close the border with Mexico to asylum seekers. President Joe Biden signed yesterday an executive order to “take control” of the southern border with Mexico, after the phenomenon linked to the record number of illegal border crossings dominated the recent political debate. The tightening aims to make immigration policies less “vulnerable” in view of the November electoral battle with Donald Trump for the American presidential elections (both won on the Italian night the primaries in New Jersey and New Mexico. Biden also won in South Dakota, Montana and Washington DC while Trump won in Montana).

“I came here today to do what Republicans in Congress refuse to do: take the necessary steps to protect our border», Biden said yesterday in a short speech at the White House, supported by officials from border states. In particular, the US president’s executive order prohibits migrants who enter the United States illegally from seeking asylum when the number exceeds 2,500 people in one daya threshold that has already been crossed.

L’United Nations refugee agency she said she was “deeply concerned” by this measure. Criticisms of the measure also come from human rights committees announcing court challenges to “stop the harshest policy on migrants made by a Democratic president in decades”. Republicans, on the other hand, attack President Biden for one rule “too light”. Rival Donald Trump is even more clear-cut: «Millions of people have flocked to our country and now, after almost four years of failed leadership – he said in a video published on his social media platform TruthJoe Biden is pretending to do something about the border». The speaker of the House, the Republican Mike Johnson he labeled the crackdown on migrants as “election window dressing”.

The reaction of the president of the Mexican Senate via social media, Ana Lilia Rivera: “I deeply regret – he wrote in a post – President Biden’s recent decision to issue an executive order that prevents migrants from requesting asylum when the number of border crossings exceeds 2,500 per day.” The measure launched by the American president, he concludes, «it contradicts the principles of solidarity that should guide immigration policies».

June 5, 2024 (changed June 5, 2024 | 06:31)


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