«More impartial EU guidance. The Commission is less politicised. Air shield, let’s move forward”

«More impartial EU guidance. The Commission is less politicised. Air shield, let’s move forward”
«More impartial EU guidance. The Commission is less politicised. Air shield, let’s move forward”

Common defense, strengthening of the economy and stability of democratic values ​​will be the compass for the new EU mandate. Which will need a “less politicised” and “more impartial” Commission than that of Ursula von der Leyen, whose confirmation as head of the executive Charles Michel does not seem to be taken for granted. Belgian, 48 years old, since 2019 Michel has been the president of the European Council, the summit that brings together the leaders of the 27. He is not a candidate for the European elections and, indeed, he is excluded not only personally from the risk of nominations, but also from participation to the name lottery. During the month of June, having received the result of the polls, he will be the one who will have to hold the reins of the negotiations on the division of EU command posts and on the priorities for the next five years, explains Michel during an interview with Europa Building in Brussels with a group of international media, including Il Messaggero. President Michel, what weeks await us? The task of the European Council will be to put the EU on a solid track. Immediately after the elections, we will have to decide who will make up the top team: I have already started a bilateral consultation process with the heads of state and government, which will continue after the vote. We’ll see each other here in Brussels on Monday 17th for an informal dinner; then we will meet again on June 27-28. Will all the pieces of the puzzle have to be in place by that date? Yes. It won’t be easy – and I’m not the only one to say this – but we all agree that we need to make a decision by the end of the month. We will take into account the result of the European elections and the composition of the new Parliament, of course. But let’s remember that the choice (on the presidency of the Commission, ed.) lies with the European Council. Let’s look at the balance between institutions.

What has this mandate taught you?

«I’m not sure that we need a political Commission, but if anything a political and geopolitical Union: in this sense, the more impartial the Commission is and truly acts as guardian of the Treaties, the more we will have a serious impact in the defense of our interests ».

What do you mean?

«Let’s think about foreign policy, which is not a competence of the Commission. At the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas we found ourselves facing a series of difficulties precisely because the Commission did not prove to be impartial, but politicized. It indulged in declarations without having any legitimacy or being able to represent the member states. We have paid the price for it: the risk is that this will be used by those fighting against European integration to generate the impression that there are double standards. And that we are inconsistent: if on the one hand we defend Ukraine without any ifs or buts, on the other we show hesitation on Gaza.”

Would a technician as President of the Commission – Mario Draghi is the name that is insistently circulating – help to avoid this situation?

«I believe it is essential for the EU to be aligned with people’s expectations and priorities, to have common sense. Impartiality does not necessarily mean technocracy.”

Let’s talk about the profile of his successor (since Draghi is also being brought up for that position, ed.). Should the next president of the European Council be a former prime minister?

«I am only the third president in the history of the institution, but like my predecessors I was also prime minister: in a certain sense, previous experience represents a strong point because the dynamics of the European Council are already known».

In a few days you will discuss names, but also programs.

«The strategic agenda that has been in the works for a few months will, in fact, be the backbone of the EU mandate and will have an impact on the next five years, if not beyond. I want him to break taboos; we have been far too dependent on Russia for fossil energy, on China for commercial supplies, on NATO for our security. But much of what we can do will depend on the size of the new budget. Now more than ever, we must strengthen our economic base: we have strengths but also vulnerabilities compared to our main global competitors such as the United States and China. And then, a previously unheard of topic, we must do more for security and defense: we need more investments, less fragmentation, more European capabilities.”

In this regard, the prime ministers of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Poland Donald Tusk have called for EU funds for an air shield, a sort of Iron Dome to protect the skies of Europe from missiles and drones. Agree?

«We must show our citizens, also with concrete and visible examples, why we have decided to invest more in defense. In this sense, it is important, therefore, that there are flagship projects such as the air shield; but the same could be said for cybersecurity or space defense, areas in which EU states do not all have the same level of development. The Union has a natural role in coordinating efforts and innovation. All, of course, in cooperation with NATO: there has never been, on our part, the temptation to duplicate the structure of the Alliance.”

This, however, also means having to reach into your wallet…

“Certain. The EIB, the European Investment Bank, must be part of this ambition. But the need to invest more in defense, for me, is an important assist to relaunch work on the capital market union. The great regret of these five years is precisely the lack of progress on this dossier: private resources are important if we want to mobilize more money. And then, of course, there is the possibility of considering innovative forms of public financing: let’s be clear, there is no agreement on Eurobonds, but all available options are being evaluated, including this one. Now it’s up to the Commission to present us with concrete proposals: we can’t wait to see them.”

Some say that climate no longer features as prominently among the priorities.

«These are unfounded criticisms. The draft says unambiguously that we must not give up on the fight against climate change, but that a realistic and fair transition is needed at the same time. It seems to me that in recent months, as the elections approach, the Commission has realized that greater pragmatism is needed and that we must stop with the obsession of asking hundreds of bureaucratic reports from companies, farmers and SMEs: we must not make the EU poorer than it was before, but on the contrary exploit the opportunity in terms of growth”.

After Spain and Ireland, Slovenia will now also recognize the State of Palestine, continuing to highlight the absence of a common EU approach.

«EU countries are in 90% agreement in relation to the conflict. We support the effort of US President Joe Biden and some Arab countries to reach a ceasefire and the release of the hostages. International recognition belongs to the state authorities: the latest decisions positively highlight the need for the two-state solution and encourage us to move forward on this path.”


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