The Pope’s appeal for Sudan: let the weapons be silenced and help be brought to the population

Francis, in his post-Angelus greetings, turns his thoughts to the African country that has been torn apart by conflict for a year and is experiencing a devastating humanitarian crisis. The Pontiff looks to Ukraine, Israel, Palestine and Myanmar, and appeals “to the wisdom of the rulers to stop the escalation and make every effort to engage in dialogue and negotiation”

Francesca Sabatinelli – Vatican City

An appeal for Sudan and for all the places where weapons speak. Once again, Francis, in his greetings after the Sunday Angelus, addresses the faithful asking them to pray for those living in war.

I invite you to pray for Sudan, where the war that has lasted for over a year has not yet found a peaceful solution. Let the weapons be silenced and, with the commitment of the local authorities and the international community, help be brought to the population and to the many displaced people; Sudanese refugees can find welcome and protection in neighboring countries

The appeal to the rulers

Francis addresses himself directly to the political leaderships of the whole world, asking them to do their utmost to achieve peace, especially in those countries towards which he himself always brings his thoughts.

And let’s not forget the tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar. I appeal to the wisdom of those in power to stop the escalation and make every effort to engage in dialogue and negotiation

The tragedy of Sudan

Sudan, invoked by Bergoglio, has been experiencing a dramatic humanitarian crisis since April 2023, following the war, which is causing, according to international organisations, “a nightmare scenario”, in which famine will spread across large areas of the country. “More and more people will flee to neighboring countries in search of means of livelihood and security – explains the United Nations Inter-Agency Permanent Committee – and more and more children will succumb to disease and malnutrition”. The appeal of the humanitarian coordination forum, for which 18 million people suffer from hunger and 3.6 million children from malnutrition, is to achieve an immediate ceasefire, the protection of civilians and an end to human rights violations, as well as “unhindered access through all cross-border routes” for humanitarian aid.

The army of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane and the opposing paramilitary rapid support forces (RSF), under the command of General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo.

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