United Kingdom, Sunak’s announcement: “If I win the elections, military service for all 18-year-olds in Britain”

United Kingdom, Sunak’s announcement: “If I win the elections, military service for all 18-year-olds in Britain”
United Kingdom, Sunak’s announcement: “If I win the elections, military service for all 18-year-olds in Britain”

LONDON – Rishi Sunak promises to introduce a “naja” for all 18-year-olds in Britain, of any gender, should he win the general election on July 4th. This is how he announced his electoral campaign, for what is his first bold promise in these six weeks which will lead to the national vote in which the Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer remains overwhelmingly favored, at least according to the polls.

For the conservative prime minister, the world is more dangerous and we must be ready for anything. Therefore, according to his proposal, all newly-adults in the United Kingdom will have to serve in the British army or navy – in jargon it is called “National Service” – for one weekend a month and for an overall period of time yet to be defined (probably a year).

In this case, the 18-year-olds would be assigned to “civil resilience” programs: that is, nothing to do with reservist, military or combatant training, but still learning the fundamentals of how to behave in the event of war or dangerous situations. Alternatively, they can dedicate themselves to civil service or to a period of volunteering in associations or public health.

Sunak’s announcement is surprising because only a few days ago Andrew Murrison, British Defense Undersecretary, declared in Parliament that the “National Service” was “absolutely not in the Conservative government’s plans”. Because it is complicated, dysfunctional and above all counterproductive, as it would distract attention and resources from the British army. Which should “look after” 18 year olds every weekend, and which, in the last ten years, has already shrunk considerably, from 100 thousand to 75 thousand units.

But what would happen to young people who refused to bow to the “National Service”? We are in the field of hypotheses, because first of all the conservative party must win the elections and then pass a law of this kind. In any case, the current Home Secretary, the Tory James Cleverly, declared today to the BBC that “18-year-olds who decide not to complete the National Service will not go to prison and will not commit a crime. And I can assure you of this.”

But then what is the point of such a provision? Certainly, for propaganda reasons. The Conservatives need impactful announcements to try to close the gap of more than 20 points to Labor in the polls. In this single case, the Conservatives’ attempt is to appear as the “responsible”, “tough” and “realist” party, compared to Labor which, from a Tory perspective, is instead the party of “woke” ideology, i.e. ultrasensitive to the demands of minorities and rights. Labor has branded this Tory proposal as “yet more evidence of the chaos of 14 years of Tory government”.

In any case, the naja and/or the civil service reopen the debate on the possibility of a “civilian army” or one trained in “civil resistance or resilience”, in case a broader military involvement of the population was necessary due to the threat of Russia in Europe. Some Nordic countries have or are thinking of reintroducing compulsory military service, after the war unleashed by Vladimir Putin’s Russia in Ukraine.

Last January, General Sir Patrick Sanders, head of the British Army, said: “The United Kingdom must recruit and train an army of citizens ready for battle” in the event of a ground war between NATO and Russia. Because other Eastern and Northern European countries are already laying the foundations for a national mobilization: we would also need it, and it would involve the whole country: the air force is not enough. We must also be credible about our land strength. Over the next three years, we need to get to a British Army of at least 120,000. And in any case it’s not enough.” Positions which, at least at the time, were not shared by the Sunak government.

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