Milei’s new criticism of Sanchez, ‘he is the laughing stock of Europe’ – News

Milei’s new criticism of Sanchez, ‘he is the laughing stock of Europe’ – News
Milei’s new criticism of Sanchez, ‘he is the laughing stock of Europe’ – News

Last night, Argentine President Javier Milei once again targeted the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, calling him “incompetent, cowardly and a liar” in an interview, and then making matters worse by calling him “the laughing stock of Europe”.

The Argentine head of state returned to the existing tensions with Spain in an interview with the LN+ channel in which he once again placed responsibility for the diplomatic crisis between Buenos Aires and Madrid on Sánchez.

Without showing any intention of relativizing the incident, Milei responded to a question about how he considered Pedro Sanchez as a person: “He is an incompetent, coward and liar.

To know more Mileis-new-criticism-of-Sanchez-he-is-th ANSA Agency Spain: the Minister of the Interior, ‘Milei’s statements are of the utmost gravity’ – News – ‘They obviously require an apology and a rectification’, according to Fernando Grande-Marlaska (ANSA)

He sent his ministers to attack me, and he didn’t even have the courage to do it personally. And then, cowardly, he sent women to attack me to frame the crisis as an issue of misogyny.”

“Then he and (former government president José Luis Rodríguez) Zapatero also attacked me directly. He attacked me in all possible ways and when I responded in the abstract, with an example, he felt targeted and used the state apparatus” to complicate our diplomatic relations. Ultimately, he concluded, Sánchez “today is the laughing stock of Europe in diplomatic matters”.

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