«Surrogacy is prohibited universally. Extremely dangerous gender theory”

The essential thing is in the title: the «infinite dignity” of every person human, and this “beyond any circumstance and in whatever state or situation one finds oneself”. There congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith publishes the Declaration today «Infinite dignity», signed by the cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandezprefect of the former Holy Office, e approved from the Dada text that does synthesis of the magisterium of Francesco and requested five years Of Work.

«Violations of human dignity»

From the fundamental principles we move on to «some serious violations of human dignity” of our time, requested in particular by the Pope. And here we see how Francis works alongside the classic themes bioethical those social: the conviction without appeal of theabortion next to that of war; the poverty growing, the pain of migrants and the “digital violence».

The denunciation of the phenomenon of «feminicide» that «it will never be condemned enough» and of surrogate motherhood which “seriously harms the dignity of women and children” reduced to “mere objects” and which should be “prohibited on a universal level” (in Italy, the law approved by the House which defines maternity surrogacy as a «universal crime” it’s still awaiting approval by the Senate. The Minister for the Family Eugenia Roccella assured on April 5 that final approval will arrive “by the end of the year”).

The critique of the theory of gender which, according to the Declaration “Dignitas Infinita”, is extremely dangerous because it erases the differences in the claim to make everyone equal” and the pain of migrants, the deals with from the peoplesexual abuse.

The «waste of the otherwise skilled» and the «no» to every one euthanasia And assisted suicide because “there are no conditions in the absence of which human life ceases to be worthy of human life and therefore can be suppressed”.

Reporting as «contrary to human dignity” L’oppression of the homosexuals“the fact that in some places quite a few people are imprisoned, tortured and even deprived of the good of life solely for their sexual orientation.”

The “normally” no to sex change because «the body participates in the dignity of the image of God» and at the same time the recognition of exceptions: «This does not mean excluding the possibility that a person suffering from genital anomalies already evident at birth or which develop subsequently, can choose to receive medical assistance with the aim of resolving such anomalies”.

A text which, at the instigation of Francis, surpasses there fracture which exists between the «defenders of life» who tear their clothes for the abortion but show themselves indifferent to who drowns in sea and viceversa.


First of all, “in the light of Revelation”, the Church “absolutely reiterates and confirms” theontological dignity of the human person, created ad image And similarity Of God and redeemed in Christ Jesus”, an “inalienable dignity” which corresponds “to human nature, beyond any cultural change», is «a gift received» and is therefore also present «in an unborn child, in an unconscious person, in an elderly person in agony». Human beings have equal dignity, all of them, “regardless of their condition of life or their qualities”. Without recognizing this, an “authentic brotherhood” is impossible. “Ontological dignity” does not mean freedom to do anything, history teaches that “the exercise of freedom against the law of love revealed by the Gospel can reach incalculable heights of harm inflicted on others”. The document cites the Old Testament and the Gospels, the Christian thinkers and the magisterium of Francis’ predecessors from Paul VI to John Paul II to Benedict XVI, but also the vision of philosophers such as Descartes and Kant, the categorical imperative for which the being human is always also an end and can never be reduced to a means.

Unconditional dignity

An important passage concerns the «numerous misunderstandings of the concept Of dignity what about they distort The meaning». Some «propose that it is better to use the expression “personal dignity” (and rights “of the person”) instead of “human dignity” (and human rights), because they understand a person only as “a being capable of reasoning”». Consequently, «he would not have personal dignity unborn child nor thenon-self-sufficient elderly personas well as those who are carriers of mental disability». The Church, on the contrary, «insists on the fact that the dignity of every human person, precisely because intrinsicremains “beyond any circumstance”, and its recognition cannot absolutely depend on judgment on the capacity Of understand and of Act freely of people”. Furthermore, we read, «the concept of human dignity is sometimes used in an inappropriate way abusive also to justify one arbitrary multiplication Of new rights… as if we had to guarantee the ability to express and realize every individual preference or subjective desire.”

Poverty, war, migrants, trafficking, abuse

Dignity is «foundation of human rights and duties». The list of “serious violations” of human dignity begins with “drama from the povertyone of the largest injustices of the contemporary world”, come on migrants who «are from the first victims of the many forms of poverty» and from war: «Pope Francis underlines that we can no longer think of war as solution. Faced with this reality, it is very difficult today to support rational criteria matured in other centuries to talk about a possible “just war”. Never again war!». The document then focuses on “deals with people” who is hiring «tragic dimensions» and is defined as «an activity ignobleone shame for ours society what they say civilized», and exhorts «exploiters and customers» to make a serious examination of consciousness. The same goes for «the organ trade And human tissuesit sexual exploitation Of children And little girls, slave laborincluding the prostitution, drug trafficking and of weapons, terrorism And crime international organized». And again, the sexual abuse«sufferings that can last a lifetime and to which no amount of repentance can remedy».

Violence against women

A separate chapter is dedicated to violence against womengive her inequalities at the “forced abortionwhich affects both the mother that the sonso often to satisfy theselfishness of the males», until concluding: «In this horizon of violence against women, the phenomenon of femicide will never be condemned enough».

Abortion and euthanasia

The clear condemnation of theabortion: «Of all the crimes that man can commit against life, procured abortion has characteristics that make it particularly serious And deplorable“, until quote the words of the prophet Isaiah: «Woe to those who make unjust decrees and hastily write oppressive sentences, to deny justice to the miserable.». They are then cited euthanasia And assisted suicide: «They are sometimes referred to as “laws of dignified death”. The idea that euthanasia or assisted suicide is very widespread coherent with the respect of the dignity of the human person. Faced with this fact, it must be forcefully reiterated that the suffering does not do LOSE to the sick that dignity which is unique to him in his own way intrinsic And inalienablebut it can become an opportunity for strengthen the constraints of a mutual membership and to become more aware of preciousness of every person for all humanity”.

Gender and sex change

The document reiterates that homosexual people should be avoided «every brand of unjust discrimination and particularly every form of aggression and violence» and reports «how
contrary to human dignity” the fact that in some places people “be imprisoned, tortured and even deprived of the good of life solely for your own sexual orientation». A harsh criticism of gender theory, condemned several times by Francis, is confirmed, «very dangerous because it erases the differences in the claim to return all equal… Wanting to dispose of oneself, as prescribed by gender theory… means nothing more than giving in to the very ancient temptation of the human being that one makes God». Gender theory «wants to deny the largest possible among the differences existing among living being: the sexual one». The words of Francis are quoted: «I therefore hope for a I commit of the international community for to prohibit at level universal such practice». As for sex change, «normally, it risks threaten there unique dignity that the person has received since the moment of conception», even if «this Not it means to exclude the possibility that a person affected by anomalies of the genitals already evident at birth or developing subsequently, may choose to receive medical assistance in order to solve such anomalies”.

Digital violence

The latest violation reported is the «digital violence», the «new forms of violence spread through the social mediafor example the cyberbullying» and the «diffusion of pornography and exploitation of people for sexual purposes or through gamble» on the Internet. Conclusion: «Even today, faced with so many violations of human dignity that seriously threaten the future of humanity, the Church encourage there promotion from the dignity of every human person whatever its qualities physical, psychological, cultural, social and religious”.

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