Pier Silvio Berlusconi has made a choice

Pier Silvio Berlusconi has made a choice
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Mediaset, Pier Silvio Berlusconi has made a choice for his group: this is what the fate of Federica Panicucci will be

There Mediaset is the second Italian television pole after the Raitherefore it is clear that most of the programs broadcast must work well to bring a good profit to the broadcasters that compose it: Network 4, Channel 5 And Italy 1. Among the various conductors who animate the group schedule there are some who over time have become real pillars. Maria De Filippi, Silvia Toffanin, Alfonso Signorini, Ilary Blasi, Barbara d’Urso, Barbara Palombelli, Paolo Bonolis, Luca Laurenti, Ezio Greggio, Enzo Iacchetti, Gerry Scotti And Federica Panicucci are just some of them.

In particular, the latter is at the helm of a very popular programme: Morning Five. This is a show in which ample space is left for news and current events, but there is certainly no shortage of entertainment either. Another transmission by Federica Panicucci is then Back To School, a format in which VIPs return to school and have to pass a final exam. Self Morning Five it is always very successful and is played in the morning against Rai and its team One morning before and Italian stories then, the same cannot be said of Back To School.

Mediaset, bad news for Federica Panicucci: closes forever

According to the gossip expert Amedeo Venza on Instagram, it seems that for Federica Panicucci there is nothing to do. We are witnessing a real revolution in programming these days and the storm would have hit it too. She seems confirmed for the new season of Morning Five from Monday to Friday. Instead, as far as Back To School, Pier Silvio Berlusconi, Mediaset CEO would soon have a different decision.

The choice would be to shut down the program after a failing season. Unfortunately Back To School did not give the expected results. Already last year with the conduction of the presenter and speaker of Radio Deejay Nicholas Savino ratings and shares had not been very high. With Federica Panicucci, however, they fell completely. Various maneuvers were tried by the Mediaset top management, such as a move from Wednesday to Thursday for the last appointments, however nothing could save the situation.

Amedeo Venza, gossip and TV expert, makes it known that Back To School may never return to television after the lack of success of the season that has just ended

Despite entertaining guests like the showgirl Carmen DiPietro which has been postponed several times, in the end the program has not been followed and should close. The second was also the last season. Such a pity. Perhaps, with a few tweaks and changes, the format could have worked. Instead, there is nothing to complain about Federica Panicucci who remains one of the best presenters of Mediaset and of Italian television in general.

READ ALSO: Chiara Francini, the painful past: “In order to go to school, I was forced to…”, heartbroken Serena Bortone

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