Sangiuliano, it’s not so much the background but the arrogance

It’s not so much the fact that Gennaro Sangiuliano he rose to the position of minister and for this was paid handsomely with the tax money of all of us. Nor that he specifically landed the role of Minister of Culture, except to perform in alternating phases in terrible backgrounds right on the general culture (the latest, a few days ago, is the one in which he came out claiming that Christopher Columbus would have made the famous voyage of 1492 on the basis of Galileo’s theses, who unfortunately was born 72 years later). The real fact, serious and eloquent with respect to the situation of a country not only in cultural disrepair, is quite another. That is, for Minister Sangiuliano to venture forth with arrogance, even before unconsciousness, in imaginative historical-cultural reconstructions which would never characterize the behavior of a person inspired by common sense and prudence.

Yes, I don’t think it’s just crass ignorance, which is in perfect harmony with much of the panorama not only of the current government, but of the country as a whole. Rather, I’m starting to think that we are faced witharrogant recklessness of those who know that now, in the desolate context in which we navigate (by mistake!), making a big statement always turns out to be a winner. If merit and competence have never been valued in our country affected by too many families and cliques, nowadays we have reached the opposite paradox: the more you don’t know, you have no skills, you appear incapable or even in a dubious position with respect to legality, the more you have hopes of achieving visibility, success, positions and perks. The system as a whole supports you.

That politic, who nominates you and supports you until the most obvious and irremediable shit comes out; that media, which is now addicted to clicks and audiences at any cost, so charlatans, improbable buffoons and gaffeurs of all kinds are welcome to be raised to the sacred altar of visibility, which today more than ever is synonymous with influence and profit. That of the show, in which we increasingly witness the destruction of good taste, creativity and talent, for example through the glorification of singing artists who know neither how to sing nor play (I’m thinking of Geolier and Big Mama, among the very long list, just not to mention names ), but who through strange turns of the spectacular context gone mad rise to indispensable reference figures of the artistic avant-garde (not to mention the Fedez phenomenon, about which I have already written, who became a hero of political correctness except for indulging in various ethical incorrectnesses, at the limit of legality. I pass over on artistic quality).

But that too literary, now founded on a friendship that always favors the same men and women, on the basis of criteria that go beyond the quality of what they think, support and write. Figures, all those mentioned above, who add a strange paradox of our time to the often disheartening mediocrity: accompanying the ostentatious politically correct and sensitive nature towards civil rights – which is often at the origin of their success – with extremely incorrect behavior , arrogant and unnecessarily opinionated on a private level.

All this translates into the political sphere, the one in which he pretends to win the pseudo right or the pseudo left, that is, the champions of the Decima mas or Bella ciao shouted at the top of our lungs in Parliament, only to discover that we live in a country forced to genuflect to the financial power, where the gangmaster and more than half of the population does not go to vote due to evident discomfort with the political options on the list. While the right pretends to be sovereignist and attentive to national identity, only to sell off this same identity at the first opportunity of government, genuflecting to the diktats of financial power; while the left nominates the Soumahoro and supports them until the most unspeakable shame emerges and is very similar to the much-denounced gangmastering today (until the news lights go out again, obviously).

Both of them tear their clothes and despair when a tragedy in the news reveals that we live in a country where the social butcher’s shop it is destroying the lives of workers and the rights of the weakest social classes.

It is in such a context that a minister culturally unspeakable like Sangiuliano he can afford not so much to be the custodian of a sesquipedal ignorance, but to brag about it and at the same time become a character sought after by the media system that no longer provides information, because it should tell in detail the political, cultural and ultimately human havoc into which we have fallen.

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