«I will marry Ludovica in Las Vegas. My daughters don’t care about my work”

«I will marry Ludovica in Las Vegas. My daughters don’t care about my work”
«I will marry Ludovica in Las Vegas. My daughters don’t care about my work”

Who knows just a little Alessandro Cattelan he knows well that, when he is on stage, anything can happen thanks to his friendliness and professionalism, while in everyday life he is decidedly more reserved. Married with Ludovica Sauerthe presenter who has two daughters (Nina, born in 2012 and Olivia, since 2016) was a guest in the living room of Diletta Leotta, together with his wife to talk about their role as parents.

The words of Alessandro Cattelan

Alessandro Cattelan met true love (his wife Ludovica) in 2008 in the host’s most loved place: the Inter stadium. «I have never introduced my girlfriends to my parents, Ludovica was the only one – underlined Alessandro Cattelan from Mamma Dilettante -. When I saw it for the first time it was a particular situation. I immediately approached her. I still perceive myself as a footballer. I played football until I was 40. Mine is not a refusal for marriage I just hate the day. I don’t love my birthday. There were only a few of us at my wedding. On that day I felt at ease, there were 25 of us. I worked that day too. When we go to Las Vegas (on a future trip) we will get married there for the second time. We’ll tell you too, Diletta, if you want to come.”

«The relationship with my daughters»

«When a child is born certain things change but all in all everything went well – said Cattelan from Mamma Dilettante -. We always did everything we liked. I’m still at the stage where I can appear intelligent in their eyes and I like helping them with their homework. I do the best I can to be a good dad. Nina doesn’t care about my job anymore. She was never interested in X Factor. Yesterday, however, I went to get ice cream with my daughter Olivia and she complained about the fans who stopped me for a photo. But I’m struck by how much 12-year-old girls like Sanremo songs. Nina and Olivia watch Sanremo. They listen to the playlist.”

The host concluded: «I struggle to take things seriously in my job. When they tell me “are you excited?” or I often say yes but only to please others.”


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