Mediaset adopts an innovative recruiting platform

Mediaset adopts an innovative recruiting platform
Mediaset adopts an innovative recruiting platform

Born as a television broadcaster, today Mediaset it is to all intents and purposes a media company that operates on multiple channels and means of communication. While maintaining a strong brand identity, the same one that has characterized it since its birth, it has been able to innovate and renew itself to keep up with an industry that evolves, is contaminated, hosts new players and is constantly transformed.

A change that could not fail to also concern the internal management processes, which involve the people who are part of it, such as the selection of new resources. And this is why the company is strengthening collaborations with strategic partners and is opening up to new collaborations with innovative companies, including Stepsconnectwith the aim of enhancing attraction and encouraging the match between supply and demand, in particular with Millennials and GenZ.

Mediaset reinvents the business also to attract new talent

«About two years ago we conducted an analysis of our company reality and we realized that, although we had always attracted many high-quality people, maintaining a low turnover rate, this trend was starting to change for various reasons – he said Luca Villari, Head of Recruiting & People Development of the Group -. First of all, from a demographic point of view, the corporate population is aging and, at the same time, the job market has changed significantly, influencing the relational dynamics between young people, brands and companies and altering the traditional relationships between job seekers and organisations.

But there’s more: even the Media industries themselves are evolving, today they are crowded with a series of new players that didn’t exist fifteen years ago; a fact that has clearly contributed to changing people’s consumption habits, who use content differently than in the past. For this reason, we had to evolve our business and our value proposition, also rethinking the way of relating to people who can find the ideal place to work in Mediaset”.

Who’s Who

Luca Villari

Head of Recruiting & People Development at Mediaset

This scenario has led the company to ask itself how to adapt to improve the dialogue with those who, as new graduates, enter the world of work, so as to continue to be an attractive, cutting-edge reality but always consistent with its identity and its values.

And as Villari explained: «We have identified technological innovation as the enabler of this narrative. Over the last year we have started to experiment with new methods of engagement, adopting a proactive approach. For example, we are developing Employer Branding actions and have implemented a structured onboarding path, as well as an active attraction policy, built on a coherent narrative both outside and inside the company.”

Stepsconnect, the partner for innovative recruiting

Also for this reason, in the last year Mediaset has started collaborating with some innovative companies from a technological point of view, including Stepsconnect, to tell its story externally and do so in a new way. «We used the platform to identify people with skills that were difficult to find and intercept on the market who filled specific roles. Mediaset is, in fact, a company that attracts thousands of candidates, but often the right profile is missing when the company needs it”, underlines the Manager.

The solution is, in fact, based on a matching algorithm between job post and job seeker which improves the quality of the applications analyzed by the recruiters. Candidates can register on the platform for free and receive offers in line with their profile.

«We therefore communicated with people through unusual channels such as social networks, trying to attract younger resources with certain skills. The solution was used to launch two recruiting campaigns for the selection of two specific figures: a data platform architect and an accounting specialist in the AFC field and, for the latter, the process ended with the hiring of the candidate. The results were positive not so much in terms of the quantity of applications sent, but in terms of quality, coherence and affinity between the requested profile and the applications”.

New communication channels, new languages ​​and quality targets

Mediaset, as confirmed by the Manager, has thus identified some elements of value in the use of technologies and innovative approaches to recruitment campaigns, which can be summarized in this way:

  1. Opening new contact channels: «We were able to tell our story and reach the desired target through channels that we didn’t have before. An element, without a doubt, of novelty which has opened touchpoints and alternative dialogue funnels with potential Mediaset people”.
  2. Qualitative and quantitative value: «We recorded significant numbers in terms of volumes generated by the campaign, but above all we reached people in high-quality targets. And even when it was complicated, as in the case of the STEM world, we achieved excellent results.”
  3. Experimenting with a new language: «We intend to continue experimenting with newthe communication codes, because the path undertaken has put us in a position to make broader reflections and has influenced choices, decisions and Tone Of Voice which we have also applied to other activities”.

An example of this is the internal campaign developed for GrapesMediaset’s new Graduate Program Experience, which has borrowed a very fresh, young and informal language, as well as the storytelling and TOV adopted in the dialogue with candidates during all phases of the recruiting process.

Therefore, this type of solution has a double role for Mediaset: on the one hand, it serves as an employer branding tool, which improves and spreads the company image externally; on the other hand, it acts as an attraction tool, attracting the right candidates. «This combination allows us to achieve our objectives with a single action, thus optimizing our recruiting efforts.

The way Stepsconnect has thought about, developed and proposed its product aligns with our desire for innovation and experimentation. It seemed to us to be a fairly unique solution in the panorama of recruiting technologies and this is a particularly interesting aspect in a market dominated by large companies, with solutions that are often rigid and inflexible and adaptable to the specific needs of individual customers”, concluded Luca Villari.

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