Domenica In, Venier closes in tears and jokes: “It’s not like I’m dying”

Domenica In, Venier closes in tears and jokes: “It’s not like I’m dying”
Domenica In, Venier closes in tears and jokes: “It’s not like I’m dying”

During the last episode of Sunday Inconducted by Mara Venier on Rai1 on 2 June 2024 and celebrated with candles on the cake (“Because there have been more than 500 episodes since I started Domenica In in 1994“, explains the presenter), many guests entered the studio, including the singer-songwriter Gigi D’Alessio, Angela Finocchiaro and Christian De Sicaready to promote the new film Rich at all costsout only on Netflix on June 4, and Roby Facchinetti, which tells what was written in his book What a spectacle is life. With them in the studio too Valeria Golino, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Jasmine Trinca and Tecla Insolia to present the second part of The Art of Joyand finally Cristiano Malgiogliowho sings his latest single Fernando and launches some videos aimed at pay homage to Mara Venier’s work over the years. The queen of Sunday, moved and enveloped by all this warmth, before thanking her audience, the Director Angelo Mellone, all her staff and above all her husband Nicola, in closing, quips ironically: “Guys, it’s not like I’m dying!“, and then announces in a loud voice: “See you in September“.

Domenica In, episode 2 June 2024: what happened

The first guest of the final episode of Sunday In And Gigi D’Alessioready to talk about his personal life and career and to present his latest album Between: “The song of the same name is the first half of this album and is dedicated to my son Francesco“. Then D’Alessio goes on to talk about the mother: “In every photo of me when I was young I see my children. Those times were the best moments in life, you are carefree, you don’t know evil, you don’t understand what prejudice is and above all you have only one mission: to show your parents that you love them. I lost my mother at 18, and after 35 years I still miss her. She is an irreplaceable asset, blessed is he who has it. It is true wealth. She educates you, she makes good and bad weather, and what you will be is thanks to what your mother taught you. Mum didn’t see me make it, while dad did, having died in 2004. After the concerts she always called me: ‘Gigi, I’m proud of you’, she told me. I miss these calls. I am often away for work, but when my children and grandchildren are at home I am moved because I see the future and feel the responsibility of raising them, even if we don’t understand anything because we no longer know who is the father and who is the grandfather.“.

The singer-songwriter then talks about when his daughter Ilaria told him she was pregnant and reveals that she currently lives in Bali with her boyfriend Luigi: “A few days ago I became a grandfather, Ilaria had a wonderful child named Josè. She has always been a bit like Licia Colò, she has always liked to travel. Last year, returning from a tour, she brought me an ultrasound on my grandparents’ day. So I said to her ‘but is your brother having another child?’ She said no and then added: ‘Actually I didn’t want to chase you into some dressing room but I wanted to tell you that I’m pregnant’ and she hugged me. But I thought pregnant with whom? Where is your boyfriend? I met him and then she moved to Indonesia with him, in Bali, after two years of dating. If she’s happy, I’m happy too. I worked to set my children free. The best gift you can give isn’t a car or a toy, it’s freedom“.

And then the meeting that changed his life: “Before making the first album I was Mario Merola’s pianist. One evening we were returning from Foggia by car and I said to him: ‘If I write a song will you sing it with me? And he replied: ‘But why, can you also sing?’ We did Cient’anne together and I never stopped from there. After Mario Merola you can only go up, in Naples there was no one more important than him“. Gigi D’Alessio also focuses on the sacrifices made to get where he is, reminding everyone that he studied music, and then thank all the people who have followed him since the beginning of his career: “I feel the weight of their love. How can I reciprocate all the affection they have always dedicated to me? I spend half my working day taking selfies with fans. When others say to me: ‘Aren’t you annoyed?’ I answer no because the problem is if this doesn’t happen. Consider yourself lucky if they ask you for selfies and autographs“. He later revealed that he had been asked to lead Sunday Inwhile some rumors about the artistic direction of the Sanremo Festival He says: “The newspapers wrote it. He never called anyone to me, nor did I propose. I would definitely have refused, thanks for the honor though… I have many singer friends and already when my name came out I received 4000 phone calls… How can I say no to a colleague of mine when I know the sacrifices behind it? I have many friends, then you can please twenty. It would have been a problem for me. I prefer to watch it or at most participate as a musician“.

Of the son Luca D’Alessioknown as LDAHe says: “If you love a child you must not give him a preferential route either because it would not be fair to others or because you are doing him harm. If they don’t make mistakes they don’t understand where the good or the bad is“. AND the love? “I have never been a butterfly, in the stories I have had I have created families. Being a father of almost six children makes me proud. I told Mario Biondi [ha 10 figli, ndr] to get busy, given the problem of decreasing birth rates“, says D’Alessio before talking about his children:True wealth is that of returning home and having your children who love you and then the sense of responsibility: it is giving up your life to dedicate yourself to something else, in this case to your children. When they ask me to go somewhere, I always reply that I’m busy, because I want to dedicate the rest of my time to them. The sixth child will arrive in a month, it will be a girl. Denise is a woman I love so much, she is exceptional. The first thing she did in my house was put a photo of me with all my children, and there I thought: ‘this is the woman I would like to grow old with’, then we’ll see“.

The other guests of Mara Venier

Angela Finocchiaro and Christian De Sica arrive at the studio to present the new film Rich at all costsreleased on June 4th only on Netflix and the sixth film in which they co-star: “I work very well with him, just a lot“, Finocchiaro immediately exclaims. “The film is very funny, the director has a slightly dark sense of humor which I like“, says De Sica. Angela Finocchiaro reveals that she would like to read more screenplays for women: “I wish there were more possibilities for everyone. The roles are fewer and fewer. It’s not a question of complaint, but of percentages“. Mara Venier intervenes: “I think exactly like you: roles for women and of all ages. You’re too young to be a mother, you’re too old to be a wife…

Roby Facchinetti presents his book What a spectacle life is: “My real name is Camillo and the novel begins precisely from that. I am a very private person but this year I felt the desire to do something different. For example, no one knows my childhood or even many details of my life. The book is a good opportunity to tell me a little about myself. It is my personal vision, through my sensitivity. I tried to write how I experienced the beautiful and the most painful things“. The artist explains why he has decided to change his name: “I’m from Bergamo and I didn’t like the sound of my name phonetically: when we called myself I was scared. I told my mother that I liked Roberto better. She explained to me that the name was due to a promise she made to her friend Camilla [le due donne avevano deciso di chiamare i propri primogeniti l’una col nome dell’altra, e infatti la figlia di Camilla si chiama Emilia, come sua madre, ndr]. Then I said ‘no no, I’m Roberto’, but to this day my family and friends call me Camillo. When I started my career, being in a completely new world, I started calling myself Roberto, and then Roby. When they say ‘Roby on the keyboard’ he sounds better than Camillo“. “I still can’t accept that Valerio Negrini and Stefano D’Orazio are no longer here, it’s really impossible for me“, says the artist remembering his two great adventure companions and then adding: “During the Covid period, music helped me a lot and with Stefano we wrote ‘I will be reborn, you will be reborn‘”.

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