Your Business, Amadeus makes everyone cry: tears and emotion in Rai

Your Business, Amadeus makes everyone cry: tears and emotion in Rai
Your Business, Amadeus makes everyone cry: tears and emotion in Rai

Your business, final lines for Amadeus who is close to resigning from the format. The host makes everyone cry: lots of emotion on social media.

One of the luckiest editions of is coming to an end Your business. The quiz game has recorded significant peaks in audience ratings in the current season, thanks to Amadeus who was able to renew it and make it current. The format remained on the bench for a few years, before returning to its debut led by the host, who managed to involve the audience at home in a totalitarian way. Your business the graphics and location have changed, but the spirit of the game has not changed.

Affari Tuoi emotion of the public – photo ansa –

Amadeus is about to say goodbye to Rai. Despite the successes achieved, starting with the Sanremo Festival, and the network leaders’ attempts to retain him, the host is close to emigrating to Nove where it seems he will have more management space and the possibility of carrying out various projects. The presenter’s farewell to Rai has sparked several controversies, but above all it aroused the reaction of the public who loves Amadeus and his way of doing things.

To Your business, the host is a true institution. Thinking about the quiz game without him is really difficult. The penultimate daytime episode was characterized by an exciting match. Protagonist Cecilia, competitor from Tuscany, present among the packers for 21 episodes. The woman, a food consultant, played with her husband Emanuele who she met at her workplace. Cecilia said that the meeting with her partner was casual and she was initially not happy: “Emanuele does the same job as me. At the time I was hired to steal his job. The first meeting didn’t go very well, because he arrived with this ‘arrogant pigtail’. Then I realized that he wasn’t that bad…”

Amadeus announces its last episode of Affari Tuoi: audience in tears

Cecilia played an exciting match. He repeatedly refused the offer of the doctor who went as far as giving her 50 thousand euros. In the end the competitor found herself with a package of 10 and one of 100 thousand euros and preferred not to risk accepting 35 thousand euros. A figure worthy of respect, which made the Tuscan parcel handler happy, as she only had 10 euros in her parcel.

Amadeus, audience in tears for farewell to Affari Tuoi – photo – ​​

Before closing the episode Amadeus made an appointment to the public for the last episode of the season of Your business. An announcement that sparked comments from social users who will have to say goodbye to the host: in September he will not be leading the format, but Stefano de Martino.

How can I present this game without him? I’m officially in phase Of denialor: “How sad to hear that tomorrow will be the last episode of Amadeus.“, I have a problem: I saw Amadeus’ shining eyes at the end! She took me very badly!“, I’m already preparing the tissues. The audience was moved and in tears, and apparently also the presenter who did not hide his difficulty in leaving a role that up until now he has perceived as familiar.

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