«Am I jealous of Giovanna? Once I wanted to “inflate” one of her because she had given her a compliment… then she floored me »

«Am I jealous of Giovanna? Once I wanted to “inflate” one of her because she had given her a compliment… then she floored me »
«Am I jealous of Giovanna? Once I wanted to “inflate” one of her because she had given her a compliment… then she floored me »

Amadeus and his wife Giovanna Civitillo inaugurate the third season of “Amateur Mom“, the podcast and vodcast of Diletta Leotta produced by Dopcast – available on YouTube and the main distribution platforms. A tender chat when talking about her son Josè, but also full of twists, such as when she admitted her jealousy towards his wife and what happened with a gentleman in the car who “dared” to pay her a compliment.

Amadeus and jealousy

Of the jealousy of Amadeus this has often been discussed with his wife. Both the conductor and Giovanna Civitillo they never hid it, in fact they always joked about it. And from Diletta Leotta they told a very funny example of Amadeus in the “Othello” version.

«We have always been jealous – explains Giovanna to Leotta – But I am a rational jealous person, he is completely irrational» – «I am fiery – highlights the host – Sometimes I forget that I am Amadeus, I could be anyone… Maybe more At the beginning there was jealousy. I have to say no afterwards, because it is well established that we are a couple and therefore it is clear that there is respect from everyone. At the beginning when we didn’t know and someone maybe made a little provolone…”.

And it is here that, teased by Leotta, Amadeus reveals a “sin of youth”: «No, okay, I remember one time in the car. One complimented Giovanna and I did a truly terrible Starsky & Hutch thing: I accelerated, skidded and cut him off. I got out of the car as if to say “Now I’ll pump you up”. Giovanna was screaming “No no no!”, And at a certain point this came down that she hadn’t understood and she says to me “Oh Ama hi!” and she disarmed me. I mean, at that point with this smile it was super cute […] and I said “Hi” and he said “Shall we take a photo?” … We’re talking about twenty years ago…”

«Yes it was completely irrational – Civitillo says amused – no one could even say hello to me […]now he has improved a lot.”

His son Josè and the meeting with Mourinho

Diletta Leotta: «Let’s start with the name of your son, Josè, we all know that it is for José Mourinho. But Ama, have you ever met José Mourinho?”

«Yes, I met him while Giovanna was pregnant with Josè, on the plane to Lisbon. We were going for a weekend – says Amadeus – Giovanna was four months pregnant, I don’t think more and Mourinho had just signed with Inter and was returning to Portugal. He was sitting in front of us and we were right behind. I saw him and like a fan who sees his idol, I went and said to him “Nice, I’m Amadeus” and he looked at me as if to say “But who is this madman? And I told him “I’m not a journalist, I’m a fan, congratulations”. Then when I returned to my seat I said to Giovanna “Love, if he is a boy we’ll call him Josè”.

Despite her initial hesitation, Giovanna then gave in. «Another time Mourinho made a video for my Jose. We were guests of Mara Venier on “Domenica in”, and he made a video for José telling him “Josè, your name is like me, who knows, maybe one day you won’t be able to train” because Josè loves football, he plays football and so who knows. It was a very nice gesture.”

Josè was born the year before the treble which wasn’t very easy for Amadeus: «That year was a difficult year for me work-wise, in the sense that things weren’t going very well so the birth of Josè and then the sporting satisfaction were two fantastic moments because then in reality I didn’t have the same satisfaction at work. I was very present at home in that period because I didn’t work much and we dedicated ourselves a lot to Josè. […] We were full-time parents.”


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