TV ratings for May 15th, the Italian Cup final has no rivals – DiLei

TV ratings for May 15th, the Italian Cup final has no rivals – DiLei
TV ratings for May 15th, the Italian Cup final has no rivals – DiLei

TV ratings all focused on the final of Italian Cup, Atalanta vs Juventus, broadcast free-to-air on Canale 5. The rest of the schedule is adjusted. Apart from the usual Wednesday appointment on Rai 3 with Who has seen?the programming was sparse.

Rai 1’s response to the Coppia Italia final on Canale 5 was the film The bodyguard and the princess, a romantic film about Princess Amelia who falls in love with the artist who painted her portrait. So she organizes a trip to Los Angeles where she is entrusted to a bodyguard.

The cult film of the 1980s was broadcast on Italia 1, The prince is looking for a wifestarring Eddie Murphy.

On Rai 3 instead Who has seen? faced the case of Denise Pipitone again. Still shaken by the discovery of her bugs in her home, Piera Maggio continues to look for Denise and says: “With my lawyer Giacomo Frazzitta we never stopped.” And then the case of Gianfranco and Simone, both victims of an online romance scam: who ruined the lives of these two men? To whom did they send large sums of money believing they could crown their love? The family members asked for justice live from Federica Sciarelli.

Instead on Rete Quattro a Out of the core Mario Giordano has opened a new chapter in the investigation into national health system: if on the one hand many citizens find themselves faced with very long, sometimes even closed, waiting lists, on the other hand those who are forced for this reason to turn to private healthcare are often denied reimbursement by the local health authorities.

TV ratings on May 15th, the Italian Cup triumphs in prime time

On Canale 5 the Italian Cup final Atalanta – Juventus has no rivals and records 7,176,000 viewers, with a share of 33.77%. The film on Rai 1 The bodygyuard and the princess recorded 2,419,000 viewers, with a share of 11.98% and not even Who has seen?, generally rewarded by the ratings, managed to beat the match: on Rai 3 it obtained 1,740,000 viewers in the presentation, with a share of 9.60%, while during the program 1,740,000 viewers (9.60% share). On Rai 2 Crimes in Paradise in the first episode it obtained 1,071,000 viewers (5%) and in the second 886,000 viewers (5.25%).

On Italia 1 the evergreen film The prince is looking for a wife it was seen by 1,237,000 viewers with a share of 6.40%. On Network 4 Out of the core it involved 789,000 viewers (share 5.20%). The film on La7 Vajont it obtained 564,000 viewers (share 2.82%). On TV8 Radio Italia Live – The 2024 Concert kept 527,000 viewers glued to the small screen (2.87%). On Nine The farmer is looking for a wife it was seen by 268,000 viewers (1.28%).

Access Prime Time, data from May 15th

In prime time access on Rai 1 Five minutes was followed by 4,509,000 people with a 23.15% share while Your business it totaled 4,933,000 viewers with 22.38%. Swipe the news on Canale 5 it led the Italian Cup match with 3,191,000 viewers (16.51% share). On Rai 2 TG2 Post it obtained 750,000 viewers (share 3.37%) while on Rai 3 The horse and the tower followed by 1,234,000 people (6.16%), and again A Place in the Sun with 1,668,000 viewers (7.59%).

NCIS – Crime Unit on Italia 1 recorded 1,227,000 viewers with a share of 5.77% while Before tomorrow on Rete 4 it was followed by 613,000 viewers (2.91%). Half past eight on La7 it does not lose its shine, recording 1,544,000 viewers with a share of 7.12%, while on Nove Don’t Forget the Lyrics it was followed by 537,000 viewers, with a share of 2.52%.

Early evening TV ratings, data from May 15th

On Rai1 The Legacy – The Challenge of 7 obtained an average of 2,861,000 viewers, equal to a 23.2% share, while The legacy it kept 4,073,000 spectators glued to the small screen with a 26.7% share. The wheel of fortunewhich returned to Canale 5 on the occasion of Mike Bongiorno’s centenary, in the first part it entertained 1,539,000 viewers (14.2% share) while in the remaining episode it was followed by 2,927,000 viewers (21% share).

On Rai2 NCIS – Crime Unit it totaled 460,000 spectators (3.3%). SWAT was seen by 684,000 spectators (3.9%) while CSI – Crime Scene on Italia 1 it attracted 522,000 viewers with a 3.1% share. On Rai3 the TGR news keeps 2,174,000 viewers informed (13.6%) followed by Blob which garnered 1,043,000 viewers (5.76%), followed by The joy of music with 1,012,000 viewers and a 5.29% share. Bitter Earth continues to gather its faithful with 618,000 spectators (3.5% share). On La7 Father Brown gathers 169,000 viewers (1.2%). On TV8 Celebrity Chefs won 396,000 people (2.3%) while on Nine Cash or Trash – Who Offers More? it was followed by 475,000 spectators (3% share).

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