who is shelena, who won the porn academy

who is shelena, who won the porn academy
who is shelena, who won the porn academy

Twenty-three years of Modica, Elena won the first edition of the Siffredi Hard Academy. Star of OnlyFans, the young woman also has thousands of followers on Instagram

Is called Shelenaborn Elena, and the winner of the first edition of the Rocco Siffredi Hard Academythe first female porn academy.

Born in 2000, she was born in Modicain the province of Ragusa, and was noticed by the famous hard film actor on OnlyFans (a social platform that offers, for a fee and by subscription, adult entertainment content), on which the twenty-three year old has a large following with thousands of followers.

In addition to OnlyFans, the girl has more than 30 thousand followers on Instagram, and is also active on Facebook and Twitter.

The young woman obtained the winner band, excelling over twelve other competing creators, who, like her, want to break into the world of hardcore cinema.

According to Rocco Siffredi Shelena has all it takes to become one pornstars of success: «I saw an incredible progression in you. You have always been in contact with all the girls from day one, witnessing particular situations, someone was trying to destabilize the environment a bit as happens in every reality show. You have remained the most balanced ever» declared the actor during the award ceremony.

“I’m 23 and I came to try out how things were going, I liked it and I went ahead,” the girl replied with conviction.

Thanks to the victory at the court of Rocco Siffredi, his popularity has increased a lot so as to be increasingly successful on social media, where followers have grown exponentially.

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