What you need to know to save on electricity and gas

What you need to know to save on electricity and gas
What you need to know to save on electricity and gas

Household utilities are among the main expenses that must be paid for the maintenance of the house, ensuring that the costs of the bills are always sustainable and compatible with the family budget.

In most cases it is possible save on electricity and gas by adopting some simple measures, evaluating the options best suited to your needs to lighten the amounts on your bill and eliminate waste and inefficiencies.

Choosing the right electricity and gas supplier

To save on electricity and gas it is first of all essential choose an offer suited to your needs and that presents a competitive value of the energy component and the gas component.

The advice is therefore to review the opportunities of the free marketwhere you can find a wide variety of proposals and where suppliers, respecting the principle of free competition, generally formulate rather interesting rates.

Among the best electricity and gas offers available on the free market we find those of Pulsee Light and Gas, digital energy company which has always been distinguished, among other things, by clear prices and no hidden costs.

In particular, with Pulsee Luce e Gas you can choose between:

· Fixed price offers: with the cost of raw materials gas and energy unchanged for 24 months. This is the ideal solution for those who prefer that the cost on the bill depends exclusively on the amount of their consumption;

· Indexed price offers: with the tariff that varies, given that it is made up of the marketing price, which is fixed, and the price of the gas material and the energy material, which follows that of the wholesale market and is updated monthly taking the PSV and PUN indices. This is the ideal solution for those who want to try to take advantage of any downward fluctuations on the wholesale market to cut costs on their bills.

Alternatively, to have the advantages of the fixed price and the indexed price for electricity together and enjoy the convenience of having a single supplier also for gas, you can opt for Luce Limit.e e Gas Relax.

In detail, Luce Limit.e is an innovative offer with an indexed price by setting a ceiling on the cost of the energy component. In this way, it will be possible to pay the energy component at the market price with the peace of mind that if the market goes down you will pay less While if it were to rise, you will not pay more than the set limit value.

Reduce electricity and gas consumption at home

The amount of bills depends on a series of fixed costs and other variable ones, so it is clear that to save on electricity and gas it is important not only to choose a convenient offer but also reduce consumptionfirst of all by following a series of small precautions.

Specifically, to avoid wasting electricity it is advisable to use natural light as much as possible to illuminate the interior spaces of the house, avoid placing energy-hungry appliances near heat sources, use ECO programs for washing machines and dishwashersalways using these appliances at full load, and also regularly cleaning the air conditioner filters.

To save gas instead You don’t need to cover the radiators with curtains, furniture or panels: on the contrary, it is advisable to insert a reflective material such as aluminium behind the radiators to reduce heat loss.

Furthermore, it is advisable to close shutters and blinds well at night to retain the heat inside, set a heating temperature max 19°Cturn on the water heater only when necessary, setting a correct temperature (40°C in summer and 60°C in winter), reduce the duration of the shower and always turn off the water when not needed.

Investing in energy efficiency of your home

In addition to choosing a convenient offer and reducing waste, you can save on electricity and gas improve the energy efficiency of your home. This approach guarantees the greatest benefits in the long term, allowing you to benefit from improved indoor comfort and greater thermal well-being.

In particular, it is possible to evaluate the purchase of Class A appliancesreplacing the most energy-hungry appliances such as the refrigerator, oven, dishwasher and washing machine with the latest generation low-consumption models.

Similarly, traditional systems can be replaced with more innovative and efficient solutions, such as a heat pump for winter and summer air conditioning of the house instead of the gas boiler and air conditioners, or the solar thermal for the production of domestic hot water in place of the gas or electric water heater. In addition, it is also possible to install photovoltaic panels to self-produce part of the electricity needed to meet your energy needs.

In case of renovation, it is possible to consider replacing the old windows by installing fixtures thermally brokenwhich provide greater insulation to reduce the energy needed for heating and cooling the home.

Another intervention to evaluate is finally the installation of the thermal coatwith which to optimally insulate the home’s envelope to increase the house’s energy efficiency.

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