Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”

Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”
Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”

TERMOLI. Alessia Iuliano, from Termoli in Molise, is the winner with the unpublished work “Forget the tale” of the Villa delle Ginestre National Poetry Competition, now in its fifth edition; literary prize which saw participants under 30 from all over Italy compete.

The award ceremony took place on June 29, 2024 in Torre del Greco, in the suggestive Villa delle Ginestre as part of the Leopardian Celebrations, on the very day of the anniversary of the birthday of the poet of La Ginestra.

The motivation of the jury, composed of Davide Rondoni, Melania Panico, Andrea Galgano, Carmine Ippolito and Matteo Palumbo:

“Alessia Luliano’s gesture creates a profound premonition of the world, where the discovery, the encounter, the secret plots of reality and the life that announces itself become the gaze, promise and rhythm of the living. The possibility of existence here is offered in all his magmatic gift. It orients dear places, tides, exposed parts of the world, whispers and startling alphabets. They are the signs of what presents itself as memory, memory and vision and finally becomes a tremor that does not die.”

Congratulations to Alessia who keeps the name of Termoli and Molise high.



instagram: @quellachedisegnacuori.

The Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


The Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


Termoli poet Alessia Iuliano wins the national competition “Villa delle Ginestre”


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