NASA Names an Asteroid After Italian Singer Annalisa – CUENEWS

NASA Names an Asteroid After Italian Singer Annalisa – CUENEWS
NASA Names an Asteroid After Italian Singer Annalisa – CUENEWS

Singer Annalisa has reached new heights, literally. NASA has named an asteroid after the Italian music star. “She has a degree in physics but has made her mark in the music industry,” reads the profile of the small celestial object “20014 Annalisa,” published on the U.S. agency’s website. Annalisa, who is enjoying a moment of great popularity, is having great success in Spain with the single “Cuando cuando cuando.” She also recently released the single “Storie brevi” with Tananai.

A recognition from NASA

The asteroid named after the singer from Savona was discovered in 1991 by Henry E. Holt. On the website of the American space agency you can find out the technical details and the position of 20014 Annalisa. This recognition is not only a tribute to her musical career, but also to her scientific training, talent, in fact, can shine in many fields.

20014 Annalisa is a main-belt asteroid discovered in 1991 by astronomer Henry E. Holt at the Palomar Observatory. With a semi-major axis of 2.599288 AU and an eccentricity of 0.241238, the orbit of this asteroid has an inclination of 12.283994° to the ecliptic. The diameter of 20014 Annalisa is 4.441 kilometers, making it an object of interest to solar system scientists. 20014 Annalisa has a moderately eccentric orbit, which causes it to vary significantly in its distance from the Sun. This inclination of 12.283994° to the plane of the ecliptic indicates that the asteroid’s orbit is slightly inclined with respect to the planets of the solar system, a detail that may influence its gravitational interactions.

A musical recognition in space

In May 2024, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) officially named the asteroid after the singer. As mentioned earlier, this recognition celebrates the singer’s contribution to Italian musical culture. The updated profile of the celestial body on NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) portal reflects this tribute.

The naming of an asteroid after a public figure is not a common event and represents a significant honor. In Annalisa’s case, the recognition reflects the impact of her musical career and her contribution to culture. Asteroid 20014 Annalisa will continue to orbit the solar system, carrying the singer’s name with it and helping to inspire astronomy enthusiasts and music fans alike.

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