July 1st, almanac of the day

July 1st, almanac of the day
July 1st, almanac of the day

It happened today, the almanac of the day: historical and political facts, who was born and who left us

Historical events

69 – The prefect of Egypt Tiberius Julius Alexander orders his troops to swear an oath of loyalty to Vespasian as emperor; on this day the anniversary of Vespasian’s accession to the throne will be celebrated
1097 – At the Battle of Dorylaeum the Crusaders defeat the Seljuk Turks
1457 – Construction work on the Naviglio Martesana begins led by Bertola da Novate.
1644 – 4th naval Battle of Colberger Heide in the Torstenson War, in which the Danish fleet, commanded directly by King Christian IV of Denmark, defeats the Swedish fleet, whose commander dies in battle.
1655 – The Swedish army occupies Dünaburg. The Second Northern War begins between the Swedish Empire of King Charles X and Poland-Lithuania of John II Casimir.
1782 – American pirates attack Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
1820 – Some units of the Bourbon army, near Nola, commanded by two young generals, Michele Morelli and Giuseppe Salviati, rise up against the government of Ferdinand I, requesting a Constitution similar to the Spanish one.
1823 – Proclamation of the United Provinces of Central America
1858 – Joint reading of the writings of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace on evolution at the Linnaean Society
1861 – L’Osservatore Romano began publishing in Rome, founded by two lawyers, Nicola Zanchini from Forlì and Giuseppe Bastia from Bologna.
1862 – The Russian State Library is founded in St. Petersburg
1863 – American Civil War: Battle of Gettysburg begins
Martini is born in Turin
1867 – The British North America Act comes into force as the constitution of Canada, creating the Canadian Confederation; John A. Macdonald is sworn in as Prime Minister
1870 – The United States Department of Justice is established
1872 – Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, the last Tsarina of Russia, is baptized with the Lutheran rite with the name Alexandra Feodorovna
1873 – Prince Edward Island enters the Canadian Confederation
1880 – The city of Prnjavor was founded with its own province
1881 – First international telephone call between St. Stephen, New Brunswick and Calais, Maine
1885 – The United States ends its reciprocity and fisheries agreements with Canada
1890 – Canada and Bermuda are connected by telegraph cable
1903 – Maurice Garin wins the first stage of the first Tour de France
1904 – St. Petersburg. Louis: Olympiad III begins
1905 – Italy: the newly formed Ferrovie dello Stato (a company founded on 22 April) brings together the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Sicilian railway networks under a single administration, giving life to the first Italian state-owned national railway network.
1908 – The SOS signal is adopted as the international distress signal
1916 – First day of the Battle of the Somme, in which 20,000 British Army soldiers are killed and 40,000 wounded. The battle will last until November, causing around a million deaths
1921 – Founding of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai
1923 – Canadian Parliament blocks immigration from China
1931 – Official inauguration of Milan Central Station
1933 – The Tenth Anniversary Air Cruise begins in which Italo Balbo will lead a formation of Savoia Marchetti S.55X (tenth) seaplanes from Italy to the United States of America
1935 – Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Wirth and Walter Darré founded the Ahnenerbe
1942 – World War II: The First Battle of El Alamein begins, pitting the Axis Powers, commanded by Erwin Rommel, against the Allies.
1948 – The first aircraft leaves Idlewild Field, New York; later that month, the airport is renamed New York International Airport and later renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport.
1960 – Italian Somalia becomes independent and joins Somaliland, definitively ending Italian administration.
1962 – Independence of Rwanda and Burundi
1963 – The US Postal Service introduces the zip code.
1967 – The Italian post office introduces the CAP, the postal code
1968 – The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is signed in Geneva by approximately sixty nations.
1972 – Andreas Baader, Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins of the Red Army Faction are captured in Frankfurt after a shootout with the police.
1980 – O Canada officially becomes the Canadian national anthem
1987 – Europe: the Single European Act comes into force
1991 – The Warsaw Pact is officially dissolved.
1996 – Version 1.0 of PNG, an open source competitor to the GIF image format, is finalized
1997 – The United Kingdom cedes sovereignty over Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China
2000 – Joris Vercammen is consecrated Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht
2002 – Bashkirian Airlines Flight 2937 (Tupolev TU-154) collides with a DHL Boeing 757 freighter over Überlingen, Germany, killing 71 people.
2003 – 500,000 people take part in a march in Hong Kong to protest, among other things, the government’s handling of plans to implement a new anti-subversion law required by Article 23 of the Basic Laws of Hong Kong.
2004 – The Cassini-Huygens probe begins insertion into Saturn’s orbit at 01:12 UT and finishes at 02:48 UT
The church of Padre Pio is officially inaugurated in San Giovanni Rotondo
2005 – Italy says goodbye to compulsory military service: the military draft remains open only to volunteers
Experts at the National Gallery in London have announced that, by analyzing Leonardo da Vinci’s painting The Virgin of the Rocks with infrared rays, they have found an earlier drawing underneath, attributable to Leonardo himself. According to an initial analysis, the artist’s original intention was to depict the adoration of Jesus, but he later changed his mind.
2009 – Swedish becomes the official language of Sweden
2012 – The final of the 2012 European Football Championship takes place in Kiev, Italy-Spain, which sees Spain win 4-0; the Iberian national team reconfirms itself as European Champion, winning its 3rd European title
2013 – Croatia joins the European Union
2017 – At the Enzo Ferrari Park in Modena, Vasco Rossi performs in front of 220,000 people (world record of tickets sold for a single artist), in the event to celebrate his forty years of career, Modena Park.

Celebrations and anniversaries


Canada – Canada Day (in precedenza Dominion Day)
Hong Kong – foundation day of the Special Administrative Region

Saints today July 1st

Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ (according to the calendar of the extraordinary form of the Roman rite)
Saint Aaron, brother of Moses
Sant’Atilano Cruz Alvarado, priest and martyr
San Carileffo, abbot
Saints Casto and Secondino, bishops and martyrs
Saint Domitian of Bebron, abbot
Holy Eparchy of Angouleme, Abbot
Saint Esther, Queen
Saint Eutizio martyr
Saint Golvenus of Leon, bishop
Saint Justin Orona Madrigal, Mexican martyr
Saint Martin of Vienne, bishop
Saint Martial of Limoges, bishop
Saint Nicasius Camuto de Burgio, martyr
Sant’Oliver Plunkett, martire
Saint Regina of Denain
St. Theodoric of Mont-d-Or, abbot
St. Theodore of St. Evroult, Abbot
St Wigstan, King of Mercia (Anglican Church)
San Zhang Huailu, martire
Blessed Antonio Rosmini, theologian, philosopher, founder of the Institute of Charity and of the Rosminian Sisters of Providence
Blessed Assunta Marchetti, co-founder of the Missionary Sisters of San Carlo Borromeo
Blessed George Beesley and Montford Scott, martyrs
Blessed Giovan Battista Duverneuil and Pietro Aredio Labrouhe de Laborderie, martyrs
Blessed Ignazio Falzon, cleric
Blessed Jan Nepomucen Chrzan, priest and martyr
Blessed Thomas Maxfield, martyr

Born today July 1st

Pamela Anderson (1967)
Dan Aykroyd (1952)
Olivia De Havilland (1916)
Lodo Guenzi (1986)
Carl Lewis (1961)
Ivana Mrazova (1992)
Sydney Pollack (1934)
Diana Spencer (1961)
Liv Tyler (1977)

Deaths today 1st July

Charles Goodyear (1860)
Walter Matthau (2000)
Juan Peron (1974)

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