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Oscar Green. Pietro Ledda wins in the “Fare Filiera” category – ARISTANIS TV

Oscar Green. Pietro Ledda wins in the “Fare Filiera” category – ARISTANIS TV
Oscar Green. Pietro Ledda wins in the “Fare Filiera” category – ARISTANIS TV

It is the first PGI lamb meat produced with zero emissions, totally green, healthy as well as one of the most famous delicacies of Sardinia. The innovation is by Pietro Ledda, a young breeder from Sindia, deserving of his Oscar Green. The award (an encore after the Oscar Green Sardinia) arrived today for the highly anticipated Coldiretti event that rewards young people who have brought important innovations to the Italian agricultural and agri-food system. Confirmation of the goodness of the “VERSOA” project, in the “Fare Filiera” category that Pietro Ledda built together with the Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari, the BS – GREEN Company, 15 sheep farms of the Consortium for the protection of the PGI Sardinian Lamb and the Daga Carni Company. An innovative research project that had the objective of defining a production chain of PGI Sardinian lamb certified with zero emissions, with the BsGreen Neutry-food brand.
LEDDA. “I am really satisfied with this recognition that rewards an entire sustainable, zero-impact supply chain and that demonstrates how Italian agriculture and its breeding is respectful of nature, produces great quality and supports the work in the supply chain, in this case from the breeder to the final consumer, passing through processors and distribution – underlines Pietro Ledda after the award – this project was made possible thanks to our extensive breeding system, present in Sardinia, and thanks to the Consortium, University and companies that strongly believed in the success of a project that brings an important innovation in sheep breeding and can be replicated for a greener future”.
COLDIRETTI. Great satisfaction for the leaders of Coldiretti Sardinia. “That for Pietro is a well-deserved recognition for one of our many young people who work every day to bring their young and innovative ideas to our region and nationally. This project represents a great innovation for all Italian livestock farming – underlines Battista Cualbu, president of Coldiretti Sardinia – the initiative carried out was immediately supported by the Consortium for the protection of Sardinian Lamb PGI and by the many companies that carry it out in Sardinia a breeding that respects the environment, animal welfare and quality production certified throughout the supply chain, with the important support of Coldiretti”. Also for the regional director Luca Saba “the Oscar Green which returns to Sardinia demonstrates the great freshness who lead our young Sardinians in agriculture and livestock farming – he underlines – Coldiretti strongly supports young people who represent the future of the sector and our organisation. There are many young people in our territories who work every day with great effort and commitment to be able to remain in the countryside and give a future to the sector through fundamental innovations to help the national agro-pastoral world better face all the challenges that the future holds for us ”.
THE PROJECT. From studies conducted in the field, the project was able to demonstrate that the carbon balance resulting from the production of PGI lamb meat is zero, making it the first sheep meat in the world certified carbon neutral. Through a rigorous scientific protocol, it was calculated that the absorption of carbon in the project’s farms completely offsets emissions thanks to the absorption of organic substances in the soil and in the vegetation, in particular in the trees. This certification not only enhances the work of Sardinian farmers, but offers a guarantee of sustainability to consumers. The project demonstrates that many other PGI farms are ready to obtain carbon-neutral certification, bringing Sardinian agriculture towards a completely sustainable future.
YOUNG PEOPLE. “It is a source of pride for me that Pietro has achieved this result by bringing one of the key products of Sardinian agricultural and livestock production to a national level: the Sardinian PGI lamb – says Nicola Stefano Tuveri, delegate of Giovani Impresa Sardegna – this production is synonymous with quality and tradition, as well as healthiness for both consumers and the environment – ​​he concludes – the Sardinian sheep and goat sector is environmentally sustainable and therefore must be encouraged to ensure a future also in social and economic terms”. For Claudio Orefice, secretary of Coldiretti Giovani Impresa Sardegna, moreover “our movement is working intensely to support and promote youth employment in the Sardinian countryside, aware of the great problem of depopulation that afflicts our territory – he comments – congratulations to Pietro for the result achieved with a project born in Sardinia and proposed to the Oscar Green by the Movimento Giovani Impresa and for this a thank you also goes to Michele Arbau”.

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