what future with the arrival of Runjaic?

what future with the arrival of Runjaic?
what future with the arrival of Runjaic?

From reserve to ace in the hole at the most important moment of the season, Isaac Success continues to divide the opinions of the Friulian fans about him. The four goals overall in three years are certainly not enough for an attacker but the Nigerian has at times demonstrated an excessive physical power which, if exploited to the fullest, would lead him to deserve a starting shirt more frequently. So what to expect from the class of ’96 for the upcoming season?

The contract valid until June 2025 (with the option for a further extension) and his salary which is close to one million euros, explains Messaggero Veneto, weigh quite a bit for a player who up until now cannot be said to have left the sign. Offers from other clubs for his contract are certainly not plentiful but, if one arrives that satisfies the player and the club also in economic terms, the Pozzos certainly would not oppose his transfer.

Il Success seen under the brief management of Cannavaro has however shown signs of hope. The goal in injury time against Napoli, for a point that was decisive in hindsight, and the good performance offered as a starter in the away match against Lecce can give us hope for the life of next season, with the hope that the striker will immediately find the right physical condition and who knows, with the arrival of Runjaica position on the pitch that allows him to demonstrate his true value.

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