Genoa and Liguria weather forecast for the last few days of June 2024

Genoa and Liguria weather forecast for the last few days of June 2024
Genoa and Liguria weather forecast for the last few days of June 2024

Some more rain in Liguria on Wednesday 26 June 2024. The minimum temperature recorded during the night was 8.8 degrees in the Poggio Fearza station in the Imperia area. But the situation seems destined to change in the next few hours, even if the weather could turn bad again over the weekend.

Liguria weather, the forecast for the week

“The depression vortex tends to move towards the Balkans – explains Arpal -, favoring an improvement, which will materialize especially between Thursday and Saturday, also thanks to the comeback of a subtropical anticyclone”.

“A sharp rise in temperatures is expected – concludes Arpal – followed, on Sunday, by a new sudden drop and a variable day with possible rain. More bad weather until Monday with a possible more stable phase starting from Tuesday”.

Liguria weather forecast Wednesday 26 June 2024

Low probability of strong thunderstorms in the afternoon across CE with possible localized flooding caused by rainwater disposal systems or small canals/rivers. Possible specific damage due to isolated gusts of wind, small hail and lightning, small landslides. Civil protection reminds you to observe the appropriate self-protection rules. Moderate intensity thunderstorms in the afternoon on AB, especially in the mountains, with local encroachments along the coasts.

Liguria weather forecast Thursday 27 June 2024

Moderate winds from the South-East on BDE, with local gusts up to 40-50 km/h on the mountain ridges.

Liguria weather forecast Friday 28 June 2024

Nothing to report.

The division of the regional territory

  • A: Along the coast from Ventimiglia to Noli, the entire province of Imperia, the Centa valley
  • B: Along the coast from Spotorno to Camogli including Val Polcevera and Alta Val Bisagno
  • C: Along the coast from Portofino to the border with Tuscany, the entire province of La Spezia, Val Fontanabuona and Valle Sturla
  • D: Stura Valley and Savona hinterland up to Val Bormida
  • E: Valle Scrivia, Val d’Aveto and Val Trebbia.

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