Shock in Foggia. In Piazza Medaglie d’Oro, a free Corso dog repeatedly bites a woman. “Near Tragedy”

Foggia. In the park of Piazza Medaglie d’Oro, a scene of ordinary serenity has turned into a nightmare for a citizen and her little Maltese dog. This episode of violence, which occurred due to the negligence of an irresponsible dog owner, has raised serious questions about safety in public parks and compliance with current animal control regulations.

The protagonist of this dramatic story recounted her experience with tones of evident concern and indignation. While she was walking with her Maltese, a Corsican-like dog, free and without a leash, pounced on them. The speed of the dog’s action took the woman by surprise, but she managed to pick up her pet, trying to protect it with her body.

The molossian didn’t hesitate and attacked the woman, biting her repeatedly. The dog’s owner, in a demonstration of total irresponsibility and contempt for the rules of civil coexistence, did not provide assistance or reveal his personal details, continuing to converse with other people present in the park as if nothing had happened.

Injured and in shock, the victim called her brother, who immediately took her to the emergency room. Here, her wounds have been treated, but the psychological trauma and her fear for herself and her dog will remain for a long time. The incident has been reported to the competent authorities, but so far there has been no concrete support nor decisive action to identify and punish the person responsible. This serious episode highlights the urgency of enforcing the laws regulating the keeping of dogs in public places. According to current legislation, large and potentially dangerous dogs must always be kept on a leash and, in some cases, also muzzled. The negligence of an individual owner can have devastating consequences, as this case demonstrates.

The park in Piazza Medaglie d’Oro is frequented by numerous families with children, as well as pet owners. It’s disturbing to think what could have happened if there had been a child instead of the woman. A large dog, without adequate control, represents a real threat to public safety. The appeal launched by the victim of this attack is aimed not only at the residents of Foggia, but at all Italian communities. It is essential to raise public awareness and the authorities on the importance of respecting and enforcing safety regulations. Every citizen has the right to feel safe while in a public park, and every dog ​​owner has a duty to ensure that their pet does not pose a danger to others.

Furthermore, it is necessary for local authorities to increase controls and sanctions for those who do not respect these rules. Only through joint and rigorous action will it be possible to prevent the recurrence of similar episodes and ensure a safe and peaceful environment for everyone. This tragic event must serve as a warning and an impetus for change. Safety in public places is non-negotiable, and compliance with dog regulations is a matter of civil liability. The hope is that, thanks to the reporting and disclosure of this episode, a constructive dialogue and a series of effective interventions can be started to prevent future accidents and guarantee the safety of all citizens in parks and public areas.

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