politics calls for urgent action

Numerous fires in recent days in southern and southwest Rome have raised the alarm for the conditions of green areas and public health. Politics, in particular the opposition, are asking for quick interventions from the Capitoline administration to avoid the recurrence of these fires.

On 20 June a huge fire broke out in an uncultivated area in Magliana. The flames, which started from an illegal settlement, also involved waste and plastic, releasing dioxin. Data from Arpa, which positioned a detector on the Magliana viaduct, recorded dioxin values ​​of 38 pg/m3, well above the 0.3 pg/m3 which indicates the presence of a localized source of emissions.

The following day, another fire broke out on Via Ardeatina, in the Tor Pagnotta area. The flames, which started from a field with piles of waste, involved a car wash and a nursery. In addition to the environmental damage, the fire caused traffic disruption on Via Ardeatina and damage to commercial establishments.

Carla Canale, councilor of the Raggi civic list in the 9th municipality, denounces the serious consequences of these fires: “In addition to the critical environmental issues, the Tor Pagnotta fire caused inconveniences such as the interruption of traffic and economic damage. In light of Arpa’s data, it is clear that there is no more time to waste. Public health and the environment must be preserved and what happened must not happen again.”

Canale turns to mayor Roberto Gualtieri asking for urgent intervention: “It has the duty to take action to ensure the safety of green areas and the remediation of illegal landfills. There are funds available for the care of the city which must be used immediately, without waiting for an environmental disaster.”

The councilor refers to article 192 of the Consolidated Environmental Law (TUA), which provides interventions in the event of abandonment of waste and release of pollutants into waters. The article provides that the mayor establishes by ordinance the reclamation operations and the deadline for doing so. “If the obliged parties do not intervene,” explains Canale, “the mayor can proceed to their detriment and recover the sums advanced”.

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