“We suffer a raid a day.” The mayor meets the committees

“We suffer a raid a day.” The mayor meets the committees
“We suffer a raid a day.” The mayor meets the committees

The signatures collected are already 3 thousand. But we are “only at the beginning. We will move forward – assures Jamil Sadegholvaad – inviting many other people from Rimini to support us in this battle”. It is the battle to obtain the strengthening of the police forces in Rimini on a permanent basis, not just in the summer. Our province risks, among other things, having fewer reinforcements for the summer season, compared to those sent in 2023: around thirty men according to the alarm raised by the mayor himself. Who on Wednesday met with some residents representing committees and groups from Vergiano, Spadarolo, San Paolo, Santa Cristina and surrounding areas on the topic of security. A choice made not by chance: houses and businesses in those areas have been targeted by thefts for months. At the meeting, held at the Podere dell’Angelo farm, the mayor reiterated the meaning of this petition “which aims to be popular, precisely because the issue of safety is everyone’s right and has no political colour. For years we have been able count on the summer reinforcements of the police forces, who arrived in smaller numbers this year compared to last year. But the State needs to recognize the situation of our province which has 16 million presences a year, and permanently adapt the measures. organic”.

During the other meeting we talked about the wave of thefts suffered by families and entrepreneurs in recent months. “In the last month alone – explains Milena Falcioni, one of the owners of Podere dell’Angelo and former municipal councilor – there have been around fifteen reports of thefts from homes and businesses between Vergiano, Spadarolo and the surrounding areas, plus various reports”. And in many cases “the technique used by the thieves is the same: with a drill they make some holes in the frames to unhook them and then they open the windows and enter. They have already come to Podere dell’Angelo twice in recent times. They didn’t take us away almost nothing, the damage was extensive. On Tuesday some thieves tried to enter a house nearby in broad daylight: the alarm went off and they fled, they were filmed by cameras”. Several shots were unsuccessful, it’s true, “but the fear remains. We are no longer at peace, because thieves are now at home in these areas”. To defend themselves from thieves, the residents of Vergiano, Spadarolo, San Paolo, Santa Cristina, Padulli and surrounding areas have long created a Whatsapp group to report suspicious people and movements. “There are 400 of us – says Falcioni – and we try to collaborate as much as possible with the police. The protection of the territory is necessary. For this reason we will strongly support the petition. Rimini needs more officers”.

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