The Flai Cgil Frosinone Latina union is calling for a large demonstration in Piazza della Libertà next Saturday 22 June. Various memberships. Meanwhile, there are still numerous political interventions today

On Saturday 22 June, Flai CGIL calls a strike in the agricultural sector in Latina following the death of the Indian laborer Satnam Singh. On the occasion of the strike in the sector, the CGIL and the FLAI CGIL of Frosinone Latina, together with the CGIL and the FLAI CGIL of Rome and Lazio, are launching a demonstration for Saturday 22 June, at 5.00 pm, in Piazza della Libertà in Latina.

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Furthermore, CGIL and FLAI CGIL have decided to promote a fundraising to support and not leave Satman Singh’s family alone.

The union also launched a fundraiser for the family of the deceased 31-year-old.

The provincial Federation of the Democratic Party will participate in the demonstration organized by the CGIL following the death of the Indian laborer Satnam Singh. “A demonstration to ask for dignity, legality and safety in the workplace, as well as more effective and continuous measures to combat gangmastering and all forms of slavery”, states the provincial secretary Omar Sarubbo announcing the party’s participation in the initiative.

To shed light on the implementation and financing of national and regional laws on combating gangmastering, the PD immediately took action with its representatives in the Region and in Parliament. “At the request of the provincial Federation – explains Sarubbo – a motion was presented by the regional councilor Salvatore La Penna with which we ask for an account of the financing and implementation of LR 18/2019 “Provisions to combat the phenomenon of irregular work and exploitation of workers in agriculture“. Deputy Matteo Orfini, together with AVS, sent to the Chamber a request for information addressed to Minister Calderone regarding the application of the current legislation regarding the fight against gangmastering”.

“It is necessary to fully apply and finance the rules against gangmastering so as not to be complicit in a rotten and unsustainable system. It is a battle of civilization – concludes the secretary – on which we will not take a step back”.

Even the local circles of the Italian Left, Possibile and Green Europe express profound indignation and dismay at the death, following a serious accident at work and the lack of rescue, of Satnam Singh, a young Indian labourer, and join the Indian community of province of Latina and the worker’s family, will participate and invite you to participate in the demonstration on June 25th organized by the Indian community of Lazio.

Satnam Singh, 31, suffered the amputation of an arm that was trapped in a machine while he was at work in the countryside of Borgo Santa Maria. The boss under whom he worked, instead of immediately calling for help, loaded the man into a van and abandoned him in front of his house, like a piece of garbage. The detail of the arm left on a collection box is horrifying, and unfortunately representative of the inhumanity of this affair.
It is unacceptable that in 2024 episodes of this type continue to occur, that gangmastering and slavery are still a reality in our province, that there are no laws against the exploitation of workers and that punish in an exemplary manner those who are guilty of crimes of this kind .

According to the Report of the Placido Rizzotto Observatory of Flai-Cgil, there are 230 thousand people employed irregularly in the agricultural sector at a national level (over a quarter of the total number of people employed in the sector), of which 55,000 are women. As this further episode demonstrates, our territory, in which agriculture represents a fundamental sector of the economy, is certainly not immune to this exploitation.

What needs to be done? We need to create legal and safe migration channels, abolishing laws like the Bossi-Fini law that force irregularity. Clear, open and transparent paths are an indispensable tool against insecurity and illegality. Serious controls and effective sanctions for those who exploit workers, streamline and speed up regularization procedures, strengthen integration tools, such as learning the Italian language and knowledge of one’s rights, prevent the victim from being criminalized and indeed accompanied and protected in reporting irregularities, violence and abuse.

From Aprilia, there is also the intervention of Aprilia Civica. “We express our closeness to the family and to the entire Indian community of the area for the recent tragedy that occurred in the Borgo Santa Maria area following which Satnam Singh, a 31-year-old boy, died yesterday.

A story which, if confirmed, will leave us dismayed by the circumstances in which it occurred. Circumstances that violate human rights and which for some highlight such a low value for human life. Singh Satnam was abandoned near his home after suffering an injury at work. According to what has been reconstructed, while he was working as a laborer on a farm, the man suffered the amputation of a limb which had become entangled in a roller plastic wrapping machine dragged by a tractor.

The phenomenon of so-called white deaths, as well as the episodes related to gangmastering that we have witnessed in recent years, must absolutely be stopped. All the entities involved, from public administrations of all levels to the police forces, from political forces to civil society as a whole, must work together so that not only the elementary safety standards in the workplace are respected but so that the human dignity. Together we must build a social barrier to the moral and physical decadence of some realities. Together we must prevent episodes like the one in Borgo Santa Maria from happening again and to ensure that Satnam Singh did not die in vain.

For these reasons we are now announcing the presentation in the next Aprilia city council of a motion that recalls what was previously stated.

Furthermore, we ask the President of the Province of Latina, on the basis of what the Latina Municipality is doing, to constitute the Province of Latina as a civil party in the possible trial.

As a civic coalition we will continue to carry forward all those requests and policies that we have pursued in recent years both on the cultural and material fronts relating to safety in the workplace, respect for human rights and fair integration between peoples”.

Finally, also the Communist Party with the provincial secretary Sonia Pecorilli.

2In the face of all this horror, what can we say? Perhaps what remains is a feeling of revulsion and nothing else, or we are left with the atrocious thought that this country in which we live has become a theater in which the obscene tragedy of a world of work in which only profit counts is represented. A world that should be repudiated and which, instead, grows and swallows up any humanity in the indifference of a people reduced to spectators or audiences. So it happens that a few lines are enough to describe a carnage that will soon be forgotten with workers who get sick, are mutilated, killed… people who are thrown there, on the margins of a resigned and defenseless society.
Oh yes, the gruesome and macabre “spectacle” of those who work reduced to a piece of meat to be slaughtered does not stop, and we, all of us, should become indifferent, ignorant, useless. Eh, no, “dear gentlemen”, we communists are not here.

We will continue to rebel and fight so that this appalling system in which we are forced to live is overthrown. We need to stop talking only about work to start talking about ‘human work’, distinguishing it to defend it. The next step will be to think about a pact for human work, we must and can develop a new model of work organization. The transformation of work processes that we must aim for is participatory work.

We live in a system of authoritarian political totalitarianism, this political class that governs us tends to dominate and control the entire society through the repression of rights, monopoly of the media, and centralized control of the economy. In summary today we live in a dehumanized society, we all should have been interested in the conditions of Satnam Singh who met his death in his destiny as a worker. No more illegal work, no more gangmastering, no more exploitation. The Latina Federation of the Italian Communist Party will stand alongside the Indian community in whatever action they want to take.”

From Cisterna, however, there is another initiative. An online petition from a citizen “calling for a full investigation into Singh’s death and concrete action to prevent future incidents. Sign this petition to support the call for justice for Satnam Singh and for much-needed change in defense of the rights of migrant workers.”

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