Quadrupling of the Bologna-Castel Bolognese railway line, meeting yesterday in the Region with the RFI leaders and the mayors of the territories involved

“A strategic project for Emilia-Romagna. We must move from words to deeds. And the national investment in the quadrupling of the Bologna-Castel Bolognese railway line will contribute decisively to making sustainable mobility a reality, facilitating the movement of citizens and goods traffic. Obviously the least impactful solution from an environmental point of view must be found, together with the territories and the mayors, as we are used to doing”.

Thus the regional councilor for Infrastructure, Andrea Corsiniwhich yesterday convened the RFI leaders and the coordinator of the public debate envisaged by the new Procurement Code in the Region, Andrea Pillonto discuss the four hypotheses developed for the construction of the railway infrastructure, together with the councilor of the Municipality of Bologna, Valentina Oriolithe councilor of the Municipality of Faenza, Luca Ortolani and the mayors affected by the quadrupling of the Bologna-Castel Bolognese railway line, including, Marco Panieri (Imola), Luca Lelli (Ozzano dell’Emilia), Luca Della Godenza (Castel Bolognese), Marilena Pillati (St. Lazarus of Savena), Francesca Marchetti (Castel San Pietro), Maria Diletta Beltrani (Solarolo), Mattia Galli (Bagnara di Romagna), in addition to the technicians of the Transport and Mobility Department.

“This is a complex work that requires a suitable period of analysis,” he continues Corsini-. For this reason we have decided that, once the first phase of presentation of the various project hypotheses has been completed, the observations collected in the meetings will now be explored in depth with the Municipalities, in order to arrive at a final report by mid-September. We need maximum responsibility and collaboration from everyone – concludes the councilor – to proceed in an orderly manner towards the best solution and I thank the mayors and RFI for their constructive contribution. We must not lose sight of the purpose of the work which could positively revolutionize mobility in favor of collective transport, with enormous benefits for the liveability of cities and goods traffic”.

https://www.castelbolognesenews.eu/2024/06/quadruplicamento-della-linea-ferroviaria-bologna-castel-bolognese-ieri-contro-in-regione-con-i-vertici-rfi-ei-sindaci-dei- interested-territories/https://a-a-0-en.e24n.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Quadrupling-of-the-Bologna-Castel-Bolognese-railway-line-meeting-yesterday-in.jpghttps://a-a-0-en.e24n.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Quadrupling-of-the-Bologna-Castel-Bolognese-railway-line-meeting-yesterday-in.jpg2024-06-20T10:54:25+02:00CBnews editorial teamROMAGNA FAENTINArailway, fs“A strategic project for Emilia-Romagna. We must move from words to deeds. And the national investment in the quadrupling of the Bologna-Castel Bolognese railway line will contribute decisively to making sustainable mobility a reality, facilitating the movement of citizens and goods traffic. Obviously the least solution must be found…CBnews editorial teamEditorial board
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