a meeting without secrets with the press

LECCE – A crucial appointment in view of the ballot on 23 and 24 June: Adriana Poli Bortone, mayoral candidate for the centre-right coalition, will meet the leaders of the major newspapers in an open and transparent event. The comparison will take place tomorrow, Sunday 16 June, at 8pm, in the evocative cloister of the Convitto Palmieri.

The event

The meeting, defined as “without secrets”, will see Senator Poli Bortone answer journalists’ questions in an open and sincere manner. This face-to-face represents an important opportunity to discuss the key issues for the city and the candidate’s proposals in a context of free and direct discussion.

The participants

Illustrious representatives of the local journalistic scene will participate in the event:

  • Claudio Scamardella, editorialist for the Corriere del Mezzogiorno
  • Mimmo Mazza, director of La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
  • Rosario Tornesello, director of the Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia
  • Giovanni Sebastio, director of Antenna Sud
  • Gianfranco Lattante, director of Tr News
  • Pierfrancesco Albanese, of La Repubblica Bari

Themes and expectations

During the meeting, Poli Bortone will address topics of great interest to the citizens of Lecce, answering journalists’ questions ranging from local policies, infrastructure, public services, to security and economic development. This event represents a rare opportunity for citizens to learn in detail about the candidate’s positions and proposals through the critical and professional filter of the journalists present.

A moment of open discussion

The meeting was organized to promote an open and transparent dialogue between the candidate and the press, with the aim of providing voters with all the information necessary for an informed choice in view of the runoff. The presence of important journalistic figures will guarantee a close and constructive discussion, fundamental for local democracy.

All that remains is to wait until tomorrow evening for a confrontation that promises to be intense and rich in content, and which could prove decisive for the outcome of the ballot.

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