With Macron, the Europe of markets without ideology collapses

With Macron, the Europe of markets without ideology collapses
With Macron, the Europe of markets without ideology collapses

“I don’t like politics, I like doing things”. So in 2017 a young man Emmanuel Macron he spoke to the French writer Philippe Besson who had followed his electoral campaign. Already full of that arrogance typical of the ruling class of France that he was, the future president of the republic dreamed of a “de-ideologized” and “dis-politicized” nation, not hiding a certain contempt for the political class. This same ideal is the basis of the European Union as a market regulatory body, which is why it is devoid of any ideology as every market must be. And for this reason it lacks a rigid constitution. What to do with it after all, right?

Macronism and its Italic epigones (Renziism with similar annexes) were perfectly comply with the EU architecture; not a union of nations but a union of markets acting on nations. A kind of Soviet Gosplan, with the Pnrr as an example of a planned economy. Now history has taken its toll. History always teaches us that in continental Europe the upheavals which then lead to fractures in the social and political order start from France. The triumph of the French right it does not resemble the yelping of a wounded dog, as was the great result of the 5 Star Movement in Italy, but rather it is the reaction to an inability to respond to the blows of history of that Soviet-tinged bureaucratic-mercantile complex that is the EU.

While in Brussels the width of clams and the depth of toilets are regulated, agriculture is annihilated, alchemical concoctions of insect flours and cultivated meat are mixed, war rages in the east. The CFSP (common security policy), also known as the “second pillar” of the Union, was never born. This is why the European peoples revolted against this system perceived as oppressive and incompetent in difficult times, voting for those who are critical of it. On the one hand the Europe of nations that must make rapid and autonomous decisions, unable to wait for the cumbersome mechanisms of Brussels, on the other the European Union, indolent and inconsistent, regulating and never decision-making.

We are witnessing a change of phase in which the EU retains only a function of orientation of the large European internal market, without any other function, while individual nations act on their own in foreign policy decisions. The vote to the right marks the return of ideological politics in a country, France, where the right was seen as a demonic specter, a disease of society to be avoided at all costs and around which to build a “cordon sanitaire” in Chirac’s words.

Italy follows, with an Atlanticist right (it couldn’t be otherwise) but not an extremist one, a positive condition when part of the world is on fire. If this vote in the European elections has marked the fin absolue du macronisme as we indicated in a previous article, he could also score the end of people’s trust in expensive and inefficient European structures. Once again, the phrase of the late Henry Kissinger is extraordinarily effective: “Who should I call if I want to talk to Europe?”.

Francesco Teodori, 15 June 2024

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