“In the mind of the European”. Fausto Donadelli: “Whoever has the most head wins. Switzerland has quality”

“In the mind of the European”. Fausto Donadelli: “Whoever has the most head wins. Switzerland has quality”
“In the mind of the European”. Fausto Donadelli: “Whoever has the most head wins. Switzerland has quality”

The European football championships in Germany are ready to fill the days with fans and more. Great expectations for the Swiss national team, on the pitch for their debut on Saturday afternoon against Hungary. The European Championship closes the 2023-2024 season and in the hours before the kick-off we tried to get “inside” the European Championship with mental coach Fausto Donadelli.

Fausto, let’s start with the most banal question. Whoever has the most head wins at the European Championship?

“Absolutely, the European Championship is a competition in which the head plays a fundamental role. The answer is yes, but I want to explain what I mean.”


“To win, clarity of intent is essential. Every action, every pass, every minute of the match requires total focus and, consequently, distraction can cost dearly. Being in the flow, however, can make the difference between a victory and a defeat. Then there is determination which is another key aspect. Because in your head you must want to hear one single phrase: “you never give up, even when things seem difficult!” Then there is the management of emotions. To manage anxiety, stress and euphoria, we forget about trust, as football is also a team sport, believing in yourself and your teammates is essential. Furthermore, confidence is contagious and can lift or lift the entire team, creating a real wave of energy capable of leading to success. Last, but not least, is adaptability It’s vital. Football is unpredictable and whoever can adapt fastest has a huge advantage. The one with the most head wins, but the head is made up of many things: concentration, determination, management of emotions, confidence and adaptability.”

Does a similar competition require more mental effort?

“Normally it is a point of strong debate with some of my colleagues, as for me every game must always be played with the same “mode”, there are no games easier than others just as there are no more or less important trophies, because when we choose to compete, let’s be honest and sincere, we do it with one goal: to win. Be careful though, I’m not talking about the final result, but about giving my all to the cause, whatever happens I will do everything within my possibilities. at (in this case) the final whistle, it must be said that given the close pace between one match and another we can easily speak of greater “mental and emotional fatigue”.

What is your opinion of Switzerland in this sense?

“Personally I think that the Swiss national team has demonstrated that it has all the qualities to best manage the challenges of a competition like the European Championship. Not only can it boast experienced players, but also valid team cohesion and tactical discipline.”

Coming back from the season with the clubs, can there be any difficulties for a player in performing at his best?

“Surely someone may suffer from a certain form of physical fatigue and mental stress. However, great players always know how to transform these difficulties into motivation. What better stage than a European to demonstrate how powerful the physical and mental strength of a champion is.”

The mental factor will play an important aspect especially in the knockout phase. Are the national teams organized in providing support in this aspect?

“Exactly, in this phase mental support is crucial. From what I can know, there are some national teams that are well organized in this sense, which make use of mental coaches and sports psychologists. Others, however, are totally devoid of them. Fortunately, many players, understand the effectiveness in collaboration with professionals like myself, they have chosen to collaborate and have direct contact”.

Once the competition is over, what will be the mental work for the protagonists?

“In this case it will be about managing success or disappointment and as a result some players will face intense emotions, such as the joy of victory, while most of them may be subject to the frustration of defeat. The “trick” in this case will be simply be helpful in processing this experience as best as possible, promoting personal growth.”

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