tackled and admitted to the emergency room

ROVIGO – After a day in the company of kids playing oval ball, on Sunday a group of families had planned to spend the evening together again eating what they had prepared and brought from home outdoors, also thanks to the heat, as guests of the camp at the sports center Marvelli. To upset the plans, however, a well-known ex arrived rugby player, who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. Fumes that led him to sow panic, requiring the intervention of the local police and that of the State.

The testimony of the witnesses

It all happened around 6pm, when after the day of rugby, some families, as mentioned, had decided to stay at Marvelli to have dinner together. Instead, the former player arrived who, according to the story, had been turned away from other clubs due to his condition and so he actually showed up at the sports centre, who knows if to look for another drink.

The point is that the former rugby player began to bother the group of people, the witnesses say, with an aggressive attitude and with the situation which increasingly degenerated in an attempt to calm him down and remove him. In the end, one of those present got punched in the face as the police were arriving.

The intervention

The officers of both the city and state police equally tried to calm his behavior and anger, but the man still didn’t want to know and when faced with the attempt to physically stop him, his enormous body inherited from the past made it impossible certainly an easy task for the uniforms. The man struggled and reacted, so much so that he hit two local police officers, who suffered minor injuries.

In the end, all the police managed to stop him and he was subsequently transported to the emergency room to check his health conditions and ascertain the reasons for his state of agitation, to prove whether he was indeed in the grip of alcohol as he appeared at first sight. Now legal procedures will be initiated against him for what happened to Marvelli both towards the families and the man affected, and from the reaction towards the officers of both police forces and the injuries suffered by the two traffic policemen. Monti rugby is not involved in the matter, as it had not organized any initiatives at Marvelli on Sunday.


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The Gazzettino

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this