European elections, meager haul of parliamentarians for Liguria. Here’s how the Ligurians and Genoese placed in the race

The only Ligurian elected (net of the resignations of list leaders and those also elected in other constituencies that could make room for those next on the list) risks being Brando Benifei of the Democratic Party from La Spezia. As things stand, there may not be any Genoese in Europe

The Ligurian with the most votes is the Dem from La Spezia Brando Benifei (64,377 votes, in the cover photo), former head of the PD delegation in Europe, in his third mandate. Followed by the Northern League member Francesco Bruzzone (24,305), who however risks not being elected: everything depends on the sacrifices of those who precede him in the “ranking”. Third is the Fdi candidate, group leader in the region, Stefano Balleari, with 14,777 votes: many, but not enough because he is only 10th on his list. Raffaella Paita came in fourth with 14,595 votes (United States of Europe – which does not take seats – for Italia dei Valori).

Among the Genoese city councilors, the most voted is Donatella Alfonso (10,448 votes), fifteenth on the PD list. Cristina Lodi from Azione follows with 5,532 votes. The party does not take seats in all of Italy. The municipal councilor for social affairs, independent in the League Lists, Lorenza Rosso obtained 1,287 votes. In the city council she was elected in Vince Genova as Davide Falteri (Italia dei Valori), the last of the Genoese in the city council with 1,269.

A “temporary adopted” Ligurian was elected, Carlo Fidanza, second in the Brothers of Italy after Giorgia Meloni (50,679 votes). Between 2016 and 2018 he was extraordinary commissioner of the regional agency for tourism promotion “In Liguria”. The other Genoese “in temporary adoption”, Maria Angela Danzì of the M5s, former general director of the Municipality of Genoa, with 14,606 votes is came second on the party list.

Names and votes

For Brothers of Italy, the Ligurian candidate Stefano Balleari is tenth with 14,777 votes. The first, as expected, is Giorgia Meloni with 622,564 votes, followed by Carlo Fidanza (50,679), Mario Mantovani (38,871) and Giovanni Crosetto (nephew of minister Guido, 33,929).

In the Democratic Party, the first Ligurian is Brando Benifei from La Spezia (fifth with 64,377 votes). The Genoese Donatella Alfonso, city councilor, achieved a very honorable 15th place with 10,448 votes. The party’s most voted in the constituency is Cecilia Strada, president of Emergency and daughter of the late founder of the NGO Gino (282,930 votes). Followed by Giorgio Gori (210,457) and Alessandro Zan (85,307).

League: the Ligurian Francesco Bruzzone is fifth, with 24,305 votes. Only third last (18th) is the Genoese municipal councilor Lorenza Rosso, with 1,287 votes). First the “catcher” Roberto Vannacci (186,231 votes), followed by Silvia Sardone (74,870), Isabella Tovaglieri (39,894) and Angelo Coccia (38,712).

The first Ligurian in Forza Italia is Andrea Costa from La Spezia, 6th among those voted with 9,103 votes. Former senator Gigi Grillo is only 15th with 1,441 votes. First on the list is the minister Antonio Tajani with 106,907 votes, followed by Letizia Moratti (41,851) and Massimiliano Salini (36431).

For the Green Left Alliance, the anti-fascist militant Ilaria Salis is first in the constituency with 126,120 votes. In February 2023, she was reportedly involved in some attacks against far-right militants in Hungary. After 15 months of detention in Budapest and after always professing her innocence, she was granted house arrest, she ran for the European elections and became a member of the European Parliament. Second Mimmo Lucano (45,933 votes), third Ignazio Marino (22,163).

In the Five Star Movement, Gaetano Pedullà is in first place with 15,854 votes. Second Maria Angela Danzì, former general director of the Municipality of Genoa, with 14,606 votes.

In Action, the Genoese city councilor Cristina Lodi is 7th with 5,532 votes. First is Carlo Calenda with 23,471 votes. Alessandro Tommasi follows with 15,349.

For United States of Europe (Italia Viva, Più Europa, Italian Socialist Party, Italian Radicals, European Libdems and L’Italia c’è), Raffaella Paita from La Spezia is third with 14,595 votes, following Matteo Renzi (64,996 votes) and Emma Bonino (45,443). Fourth Marco Taradash (5,446). City councilor Davide Falteri is 14th with 1,269 votes.

In Pace Terra Dignità the majority of preferences went to Michele Santoro (36,035 votes) who distances himself from the second, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, by almost 30 thousand votes).

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