Free electricity and gas market, controls by the Guardia di Finanza and Arera begin on call centers and bonuses

Free electricity and gas market, controls by the Guardia di Finanza and Arera begin on call centers and bonuses
Free electricity and gas market, controls by the Guardia di Finanza and Arera begin on call centers and bonuses

The new control program for the next few months was announced by Fiamme Gialle and sector authorities. In particular, checks are planned on the activities of the call centers managed by free market sellers and on the actual disbursement of the social bonus, introduced to alleviate the burden of bills on families in difficulty.

In a few days every Italians will have to move to the free electricity market after doing the same with the gas. The deadline, set for June 30th, is approaching and many Italians are evaluating the various offers in view of the transition in recent weeks. Between insistent calls from call centers and offers of all kinds, unfortunately there are those who take advantage of them. Because of this Guardia di Finanza and Arera have announced a campaign of controls wide-ranging for the coming months and an intensification of supervision of energy and gas sellers.

The new control program was announced at the end of a summit between the two organizations in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding which has regulated the collaboration between the two institutions for approximately twenty years. In addition to the assessment of the activities already carried out so far, in fact, the programmatic lines to be developed in the coming months were shared, which include a long series of checks to be carried out in particular on the activity of sellers’ call centers and on the actual disbursement of social bonuses by companies in the sector.

“For 2024 and 2025, taking into account the reports received from consumers and their associations on the recurrence of incorrect behavior of some market operators or their delegates in the stipulation of telephone contracts, controls have been planned on the activities of the call centers managed by free market sellers with the aim of ensuring correctness and the transparency of the information provided, to protect the interests of end customers and to guarantee a healthy and fair competitive environment” explain the Fiamme Gialle.

Hi Franco, if I am a journalist today it is also thanks to you

Also on the social bonus, introduced to alleviate the burden of bills on families experiencing economic hardship, in-depth checks will be carried out to understand whether it is actually paid to those who are entitled to it.

In the new activity program of checks, carried out by Arera Inspectors and by the Special Goods and Services Unit of the Guardia di Finanza, finally, further checks are also envisaged on sellers who do not comply with the obligations of semi-annual communication of the average prices charged and on those who have requested compensation of the General System Charges already paid to the distribution companies, in the event of failure to collect from non-compliant end customers .

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