The price of the Kaspa cryptocurrency rose by more than 7% in 24 hours

The price of the Kaspa cryptocurrency rose by more than 7% in 24 hours
The price of the Kaspa cryptocurrency rose by more than 7% in 24 hours

In the last 24 hours the price of Kaspa (CRYPTO:KAS) rose 7.07% to $0.15; the positive trend recorded in the last week is confirmed, during which the cryptocurrency saw a rise of 6%, then rising from $0.14 to its current price. The coin’s all-time high is currently $0.19.

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The chart below compares Kaspa’s price movement and volatility over the last 24 hours (left) with its price movement over the last week (right). The gray bands are Bollinger bands, which measure volatility for both daily and weekly price movements; the wider the bands or the larger the gray area at any given time, the greater the volatility.

In the last week the coin’s trading volume has increased by 161%; the overall circulating supply for the coin increased by 0.82% to over 23.82 billion coins, which is estimated to be 82.97% of its maximum supply of 28.70 billion coins. The current ranking position of KAS by market capitalization it is #34 at 3.55 billion dollars.

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