100 years since the death of the writer Franz Kafka: 5 books to read

Today marks the centenary of Franz Kafka’s death. On 3 June 1924, the famous Prague writer died in Vienna, struck down by tuberculosis, one month shy of his 41st birthday. His life, like his art, remained incomplete, but this did not prevent him from becoming an immortal figure in world literature and culture.

The “Kafkaesque” style

Kafka, considered among the masters of modernism, had a style of his own, a style later defined as “Kafkaesque”, to recall the typical atmosphere of his stories which reflected his profound anguish and contradictions. His ability to explore themes such as alienation, the absurdity of existence and the sense of guilt has made him an immortal author in the world literary scene. In over twenty years of writing, Kafka saw very few of his writings published: only a few stories, such as “The Metamorphosis”, were accepted by magazines. He did not finish any of his masterpieces, including, for example, “The Trial” and “Amerika”, almost suggesting that the lack of a conclusion was in itself a sort of open ending. Before he died, he burned many of his writings and asked his friend Max Brod to destroy the rest after his death. However, recognizing the value of Kafka’s works and driven by friendship, Brod fortunately decided to ignore this request.

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5 bestsellers by Franz Kafka

On the occasion of the centenary of his death, we have selected 5 bestsellers by Franz Kafka that are definitely worth a read.

All the stories

“All stories”, published by Mondadori, collects the entire narrative production of Franz Kafka: it includes both the texts published by the writer during his lifetime and those that were published posthumously. This volume offers an intense and poignant journey into the depths of the human soul, tracing an indelible mark that lends itself to new interpretations with each rereading.

Letters to Milena

“Letters to Milena”, also published by Mondadori, testifies to the deep emotional connection between the author and the young Czech translator Milena Jesenska Pollak, whom he met in Prague. The volume explores themes such as love, loneliness and alienation. Kafka began writing to Milena in April 1920, on the balcony of the Ottoburg pension in Merano, where he had gone for a health stay.

The metamorphosis

“The Metamorphosis”, published by Einaudi, profoundly embodies the “Kafkaesque” style. It tells the story of Gregor Samsa, a man who wakes up one morning in the body of a giant insect. A surreal and distressing story that questions the reader on the perception of identity and the meaning of life.

Letter to his father

In “Letter to the Father”, published by Garzanti, Kafka dealt with the theme of the complexity of family relationships, exploring the conflictual and ambivalent relationship between father and son.

Franz Kafka. All the novels. All stories and texts published in life

Published in 2023, “Franz Kafka. All the novels. All the stories and texts published in life”, edited by Mauro Nervi and published by Bompiani, propose for the first time to Italian readers a critical edition of his writings.


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