Polisportiva del Finale, women’s personal defence: final meeting with the psychologist

Polisportiva del Finale, women’s personal defence: final meeting with the psychologist
Polisportiva del Finale, women’s personal defence: final meeting with the psychologist

Monday 27 May ended on free women’s self defense course organized in four eveningsgive it Zonta Club Finale Ligurein collaboration with Aikido school from the Finale sports club and with the patronage of Municipality of Finale Ligure. The course was organized by Aikido Master Roberto Vidimariwith the collaboration of Yudansha Silvia Puppo.

As regards the first three lessonsthey took place according to a well-defined didactic scheme with proposals for exercises and defense techniques developed and demonstrated by Maestro Roberto Vidimari With the’Assistant Silvia Puppo for the Aikido school and come on Masters Roberto Civallero And Aurora Bagnasco from the Kung Fu Schoolalso from Finale sports club, who brought their valuable contribution to the course. Going into the merits of the individual lessons, Monday 6 Mayinaugural date of the course, particular importance was given toattitude to maintain if you are being attacked and to the theme of the possibility of defending oneself, even without causing physical damage to the attacker, thus touching with a few hints on the theme of the proportionality of the defensive reaction implemented, compared to the seriousness of the offense suffered. Some first simple defense techniques were then shown.

The second lesson of Monday 13 Mayit was instead a little more technical: the Masters have shown different immobilization techniques and useful movements to free yourself from various types of holdswith particular attention to proposing suggestions aimed at free yourself from a hold from behind. The third Monday May 20, the Masters of both schools raised the bar a bit by showing as it may be better to behave in the case of simple advances or seductive attitudes, which even if they are not serious, if not desired, can still be very annoying and need to be stopped. Another demonstration given by the Masters was that of behavior to adopt in the event of a robbery attempt, with the primary aim of not getting hurt if this were to happen. In the final meeting of this Monday 27 May we have raised the bar to the highest level and we moved on to the strong themes, we have in fact arrived at the topic of attempted rape: it was him who introduced and held the first part of the lesson psychologist, psychotherapist and teacher Dr. Piernicola Ninciwho with great experience and to say the least, capturing the attention and interest of the numerous women present, explained in detail and from a scientific point of view all the psychological protection mechanisms that are triggered inAnd victimAnd of violence.

He focused on the attitudes of deniala reaction that commonly occurs in the early stages of violence and that It serves to protect oneself from a traumatic situationand of dissociation a defensive strategy that allows you to distance yourself from an intolerable situation, which unfortunately often lead to failure to report the abuse suffered. Complaint which is fundamental to get the help you need to get out of the most dangerous and difficult situations. However, it is necessary to be able to defend oneself learn to manage your emotions and reactions in case of danger. In response to emotional or physical stress, the body releasesadrenaline, a hormone that can trigger different types of responses and puts us in state of alertcausing the person to focus attention on the immediate situation, with alteration of normal perceptions (often people do not feel hunger, fatigue or pain and experience intense feelings of fear and anger).

“If we are trained to manage our emotions we are more likely to be able to exploit the condition generated by the effect of adrenaline to our advantage to try to escape or react, rather than remaining stuck and unable to defend ourselves due to the feeling of helplessness and terror that violence can cause. Dedicating yourself to martial training is an effective way to become familiar with physical contact, learn to manage your emotions and find yourself “trained to react” when needed. However, it is good to remember that it is necessary to work and train a lot to improve one’s abilities in this sense”, comment from the club. To the term of thevery interesting first theoretical part of this last lesson we returned briefly to practice with a second part of the lesson in which i School teachers Aikido And Kung Fu they showed some defense techniques useful for trying to escape when you are on the ground or you risk being pushed to the ground. At the end of the evening, they then took the floor the President Patrizia Colman and the Vice President Milena Poliani of the Zonta Club Finale Ligure who worked on the organization of this initiative, together with all the other members of the Clubwho said they were enthusiastic about the success the course had, and about the participation numerous and interested by many people. However, it is also necessary to reflect on this participation in this way numerous of women of such different ages, from teenagers to older people, from students to women who work in different fields. This is representative of the fact that we live in times where there is a sense of risk in many different environments, but at the same time it also demonstrates that there is a certain desire and willingness to react to what goes wrong.

Patrizia and Milena and the other Zonta members present then thanked the course teachers Vidimari, Puppo, Civallero and Bagnasco and Dr. Ninci who all made their time and skills available completely free of charge for the realization of the course, the Finale sports club and in particular the President Stefano Schiappapietra who granted free use of the Pietro Fiaschi Gym and the Municipality of Finale Ligure which sponsored the initiative. At the Pietro Fiaschi Gym of the Hotel Institute, both schools hold theirs traditional, Aikido and Kung Fu courses. “Although this sporting year is now almost over, all those who participated in the women’s self-defense course and are interested in a real martial arts course are invited to ask the Masters of the two schools for information. Given the above, given the success of the course we tell you that they are new ideas are already being developed for new initiatives to be carried out in the coming months. Stay tuned with the Finale sports club and it Zonta Club Finale Ligure for all information” concludes the company.

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