Turning point in the death of Lorenzo Rosati, the cellmate on trial

Turning point in the death of Lorenzo Rosati, the cellmate on trial
Turning point in the death of Lorenzo Rosati, the cellmate on trial

Fermo, 2 June 2024 – He will be tried in Court of Assizesin Macerata, Zudi Jasharovskithe 24-year-old from San Severino Marche of Albanian origins accused ofmurder of Lorenzo RosatiThe 50-year-old Fermo prisoner who died in mysterious circumstances to the emergency room after he felt ill in prison. This was decided by the preliminary hearing judge of the Fermo court who, at the end of the preliminary hearing relating to the tragedy which was initially considered an accident, sent the accused to trial.

The lawyers of the Rosati family are satisfied, the lawyers Marco Murru and Marco Melappioni, who immediately fought to prove that the 24-year-old of Albanian origins and cellmate of the victim at the time of the events, was the perpetrator of the fatal beating. “There is satisfaction – explains the lawyer Murru – because initially there was skepticism for the version of events supported by the Rosati family, who took part in civil proceedings. Now, three years later, the situation has been reversed and the The perpetrator of the brutal beating will be judged before a Court made up of professional and popular judges, Italian citizens drawn by lot from those registered in a special register”.

He echoes him the lawyer Melappioni: “Rosati’s death was not a natural death nor due to an accident in the cell. We cannot accept the idea that there is the possibility of dying inside a penitentiary institution where one has been sent to serve the sentence recognized by the system. Let us remember that poor Rosati lost his life just 7 months after the end of his sentence.” The tragedy occurred on May 28, 2021, in Fermo, when, at lunchtime, Rosati felt ill and his cellmates immediately raised the alarm. The inmate had been visited by the facility’s doctor who, given the serious condition of the 50-year-old, had decided to alert 118. The health workers, who arrived on site, transported the man to the nearby “Murri” emergency room.

Rosati had a practically burst spleen and a now irreversible hemorrhage. Despite attempts to resuscitate him, the 50-year-old breathed his last around 5pm. They had sprung the first questions immediately arise: how did the prisoner get those injuries? Had he been attacked or was it an accident? The report was sent to the Fermo Public Prosecutor’s Office, which opened a case against unknown persons for death resulting from another crime, then arranging for an autopsy on the body. The task had been entrusted to the medical examiner of Teramo, Giuseppe Sciarra, and the results of the autopsy examination had appeared quite clear. The report spoke of death to be attributed to a “thoracoabdominal blunt trauma on the left side, hemoperitoneum from laceration of the spleen and consequent hypovolemic shock”.

The report also stated that the the area of ​​the body examined had “been affected by a traumatic event produced by a blunt instrument not equipped with sharp edges, but with a rounded surface and had acted with a small angle from top to bottom”. Despite this, the prosecutor had presented the request to dismiss the case to the investigating judge, hypothesizing a fall. This theory was supported by an occipital wound found on the victim’s head, which the medical examiner had not ruled out being attributable to contact with the floor. Rosati’s lawyers, however, had filed an objection, which was accepted by Judge Tutto it had started all over again and this time, by digging deep, the alleged person responsible for the death was found: the 24-year-old Albanian defended by the lawyer Vando Scheggia who, after the latest developments, will end up before the Court of Appeal to be tried.

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