How much does the winner of the Champions League final earn, the prize for the champion team

How much does the winner of the Champions League final earn, the prize for the champion team
How much does the winner of the Champions League final earn, the prize for the champion team

The prizes of the Champions League final and how much one of Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund will earn. In detail all the money up for grabs from the first to the last round.

How much will anyone earn? Real Madrid or Borussia Dortmund will win the final of Champions League? In addition to the prestige of putting the greatest continental trophy on the board, the team that triumphs in the last act scheduled at Wembley stadium in London will receive also an important prize in terms of money. Here in detail is everything you need to know about the earnings of the Champions League winning team.

How much money does the winner of the Champions League final earn for the winning team?

The winning team of the Champions League, which will take up the legacy of Manchester City, will receive a bonus of 4.5 million euros in addition to the trophy represented by the Big Ears Cup. This is the sum earmarked for Real Madrid or Borussia Dortmund, should they win the final. This amount is added to the prize reserved for the two finalists, for having qualified in the last act. In addition to the proceeds linked to the Champions League final, we must then take into account all the earnings collected throughout the Champions League season.

The overall earnings of those who win the Champions League

Suffice it to say that Manchester City were champions last season it grossed a total of around 130 million euros. Analyzing in detail the earnings of the teams that reach the Champions League final, we must start from afar and from the proceeds deriving from qualification for the top European tournament. In fact, those who access the Champions League receive a token of 15.64 million euros. To this we must add the prizes relating to the results with 2.8 million for each victory and 930 thousand euros for a draw. Whoever qualifies for the round of 16 receives 9.6 million, while the quarter-finals are worth 10.6 million, the semi-final 12.5 million and the final as mentioned above carries a prize of 15.5 million.

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Therefore, without considering the results of the group stage, whoever wins the Champions League could bring in around 70 million. To these it will then be necessary to add a sum relating to the historical ranking coefficient, of just under 1.5 million euros, and the market pool which concerns television rights. In this case there is a slice of 300 million euros to be shared.

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