Corigliano-Rossano administrative offices. Straface, “Who pays for Stasi election adverts?”

Corigliano-Rossano administrative offices. Straface, “Who pays for Stasi election adverts?”
Corigliano-Rossano administrative offices. Straface, “Who pays for Stasi election adverts?”

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What is the official channel through which the Municipal Administration communicates on Facebook? That of the Municipality of Corigliano-Rossano or the official private page (Flavio.Stasi.Sindaco) which perhaps deliberately misleads and misleads all citizens?
What is the difference between institutional press releases and those with which Flavio Stasi is doing nothing other than his electoral campaign for the next administration? Where is institutional information located? On the Municipality’s page or on Flavio Stasi’s private page?
But above all, who manages electoral communication? If it’s not the press office, because it’s not allowed, can we know who the possible private supplier is given that we are not a small municipality but the third largest city in Calabria?
This is what the Coalition in support of Mayor Pasqualina Straface asks to know by publicly warning Stasi and its municipal administration to stop incorrect, illegitimate practices and in open violation of laws, regulations and the Constitution.
All the political forces of the Coalition officially ask the Prefect of Cosenza and all the competent subjects to investigate and monitor the very serious and intolerable violations for which Flavio Stasi, as Mayor and candidate for mayor, continues to be responsible, especially in the aftermath of the entry into force of the rules on electoral rallies.
What should be the institutional communication of an entity, especially during electoral campaigns, has been and is still being deliberately confused in these hours with the political and private communication of the person who also holds the role of First Citizen and who should abstain from everything that it goes beyond the ordinary administration and personalization of the image of any institution.
Precisely due to the scientific mix implemented not today by Flavio Stasi, between institutional communication tools and private communication tools, citizens have never managed to distinguish the public message of the city institution from what should have been the message and the private language of Flavio Stasi.
The even more serious thing, for which the urgent intervention of the Prefect and the judiciary is required, is the link which from the institution’s website, in the section dedicated to the Mayor, refers with much of links to Flavio Stasi’s private social media page with which the candidate continues to confuse citizenship, institutional contents with political-electoral ones.
Let the authorities intervene immediately and stop this very serious violation of the impartiality of public administration, laws and democracy
At the same time – they continue – we publicly ask the candidate for mayor to exhibit, if any, any financial documentation proving the expenses incurred by him, as a candidate, for the creation and dissemination of video clips through which he promotes his figure of Mayor and the presumed results of his administration.
The City must know whether these video clips, promoted on private pages, were regularly purchased by the candidate at his own expense or whether these products are made or were made at different times by suppliers of the Municipality of Corigliano-Rossano and, therefore, paid with everyone’s money.
Because if the second hypothesis were true, that is, that Stasi has used and is directly or indirectly using past or, worse, current suppliers of the organization to carry out its own electoral campaign, we would be faced with a very serious violation which invalidates and pollutes the entire election campaign. For this reason – they conclude – the Prefect of Cosenza and all the competent authorities must intervene. – SOURCE: COALITION FOR PASQUALINA STRAFACE MAYOR.

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