New dam, Lista Toti: “Image of Liguria moving forward”. M5s: “Works delayed because of your fault”

Genoa. It turns it back on political clash on the day of the second ceremony for the new breakwater in Genoa: one year ago for the first gravel pouring, today for the laying of the first caisson (a little late on schedule). In the background still the judicial earthquake that overwhelmed the Region and the port.

“The words of Minister Matteo Salvini and Deputy Minister Rixi were very important and appreciated, as they wanted to reiterate two fundamental concepts today in Genoa. Meanwhile, the Dam, which experienced an important moment with the laying of the first caisson, does not stop, just as Liguria does not stop. And a heartfelt thank you to the government officials also for having wanted to remember the importance of the work done by governor Giovanni Toti, recognized as the protagonist of the majestic renaissance of this region. Words that confirm the identity of views and the great cohesion of the center-right coalition”, they intervene Ilaria Cavo, coordinator of the Toti List and the group leader in the Region, Alessandro Bozzano.

“Lhe pose is the clear image of a Liguria that wants and can move forward – continues Cavo, who spoke today as a deputy -. Participating in the inauguration ceremony of the work meant being on the side of those who say yes and oppose those who exploit this moment to raise the chorus of no and stalemate. We are on the side of those who want to build and not demolish. We always are, with President Toti, and we continue to follow that path that has led to the growth of our Region and which today, with the launch of this project, will allow the port of Genoa to welcome large ships. A development illustrated by clear numbers (almost two million more TEUs), avoiding the asphyxiation that would have affected the port within twenty years and thinking with vision about the next generations”.

The CGIL, however, is controversial: “Exactly one year ago the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new breakwater of the Port of Genoa took place at Palazzo San Giorgio. Today we are back, even if it is not a stone that is being laid but a caisson: the first of about a hundred and, if these are the premises, we expect that the inaugurations will leave no time for the completion of the work that has already accumulated delays important. Not even the investigation that is shaking Liguria has managed to put a stop to the advertising policy in which the image becomes substance and today yet another ceremony takes center stage. Yet the Ministry of Infrastructure would have a lot to do, even more so at a time when political decisions would be needed to guarantee the full functionality of the institutions and the governance of economic processes and procurement. We must guarantee the functionality of the port and the works that are underway and the thousands of workers who gravitate there. In such a delicate transition phase where there is a need for certainties, cWe expect to be summoned, not to attend a ceremony, but for a discussion between the ministry and the social partners: Genoa and Liguria deserve more and the time has come to face the challenges of the future with the necessary seriousness.

The 5 Star Movement is also on the attack: “The progress of work on the Bisagno spillway, vital to making Genoa safe, is stuck at 5%. The Third Crossing is blocked. The dam is almost 7 months late and in any case, by the Port System Authority’s own admission, the very necessary geotechnical tests for the installation of the caissons on seabeds considered unstable by illustrious international experts such as Piero Silva have never been carried out. La Gronda was inaugurated several times and never started (but it’s better that way, because the project is now outdated and a decisive revision is needed). The railway hub continues in fits and starts. Exactly, what are the media and politicians friends of Toti, Bucci & Co. talking about? We inform you gentlemen that the work on the works in Genoa and Liguria are not stopped because the President of the Region has been stopped. The works are at a standstill precisely because these people are at the helm of the Region, who don’t give up their seats, condemning Liguria to inaction. Shall we bet that as soon as they leave the work will resume?”.

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