Healthcare, new territorial operations centers in Liguria from 1 July: here’s what will change

Healthcare, new territorial operations centers in Liguria from 1 July: here’s what will change
Healthcare, new territorial operations centers in Liguria from 1 July: here’s what will change

Genoa. They will be all operational from July 1st the Cot, territorial operations centers envisaged by the Pnrr. These are structures equipped with healthcare personnel with the function of coordinating the care of patients and liaising between professionals and services. In total there will be 17 in Liguria and they will be found in Imperia, Sanremo and Bordighera for ASL 1; Savona, Cairo Montenotte and Finale Ligure in ASL 2, Voltri, Bolzaneto, Fiumara, Struppa, Castelletto and Quarto in ASL 3; Chiavari and Sestri Levante in ASL 4; La Spezia, Sarzana and Brugnato in ASL 5.

Users will be over 40 thousand in 2026. “It is evident that it is the first major deadline reached for the match investments Pnrrthe result of all those who worked and coordinated – explains the Health Councilor Angelo Gratarola -. With the council resolution we guarantee uniform operational lines throughout Liguria with respect to the organizational structure and technological and structural requirements. Inside the Cot they will be present nursing coordinator, nurse and support staff. The territorial operations centers monitor the procedures for taking care of people with the guarantee of being traced and recognized by the system even when the care setting changes. This all happens with the new system of the so-called folder at home individual which represents an active management tool and not simply an archiving system”.

But in practice what will change for citizens? Chronically ill elderly people who need visits, therapies and interventions will have a concrete benefit. “These people, who previously had to go to their family doctor and start a long journey from there, now they will be able to call Cot and find operators who know all their data, always in absolute compliance with the privacy, and manage a series of activities directly from your workstation – continues the councilor -. And if the citizen were to be hospitalized or go to the emergency room, the structure will computerize the episode on its own folder at home: in this way the operator, upon reopening, will signal that there is something new for that patient. So the clinical history never stops: today that is not the case.”

“We are therefore working in the direction of what is the definitive design envisaged by the Pnrr and the DM77, with a system that is defined in small steps, like a puzzle – he observes Gratarola -. To date we have met all the deadlines and are giving substance to what the community houses will become. The working methodology is centered on strong regional coordination which organically accompanies the territory. Projects are tested in some areas and then implemented across the entire regional territory.” Obviously then – as for all of Italy – the arduous task will begin challenge of the staff to be included in these structures: “It is a problem for the entire national health service. Some resources are difficult to find, but this is the path and we must move within these rules.”

It has also been scheduled for May 30th Forum on Ligurian territorial healthcare, organized by Alisa, with the patronage of the municipality of Genoa. “It will offer – explains Alisa’s socio-health director Cristina Giordano – the opportunity for a discussion on the new organizational model of local healthcare. the Forum is an opportunity to present the first results that have emerged and outline some proposals for concrete interventions, in particular on the state of implementation of the programs and the use of the Pnrr funds for health and social care and to collect the proposals of the professional associations and enhance roles , skills, professionalism of health and social-health workers”.

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