Gasparri’s proposal on the day of the Capaci massacre: “Nominate Mario Mori senator for life”. But the reform of the Premiership abolishes them

Gasparri’s proposal on the day of the Capaci massacre: “Nominate Mario Mori senator for life”. But the reform of the Premiership abolishes them
Gasparri’s proposal on the day of the Capaci massacre: “Nominate Mario Mori senator for life”. But the reform of the Premiership abolishes them

Appoint Mario Mori senator for life. It is with this proposal that Maurizio Gasparri decides to commemorate the thirty-second anniversary of the Capaci massacre. A proposal destined to cause controversy. And not only because the former Carabinieri general has just ended up under investigation for the 1993 massacres. But also because the constitutional reform, strongly supported by […]




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Nominate Mario Mori Senator for life. It is with this proposal that Maurizio Gasparri decides to commemorate the thirty-second anniversary of Capaci massacre. A proposal destined to cause controversy. And not only because the former Carabinieri general has just ended up under investigation for the massacres of the 1993. But also because the constitutional reformstrongly supported by the same coalition that Gasparri is part of, plans to eliminate senators for life. And it is precisely during the debate on premiered in the Chamber that the Forza Italia group leader launched his proposal. He does it during a speech in which he argues with Dario Franceschini.

Yesterday at Palazzo MadamaIn fact, the Democratic Party senator had read the names of all the 47 senators for life named in the history of the Republic. One way to challenge article 1 of the reform, which provides for repeal the second paragraph of article 59 of the Constitution. This is the rule that gives the heads of state the possibility to appoint senators for life. A task that in the future will have to be reserved only for emeritus presidents of the Republic, at least in the plans of the Minister of Reforms, Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, a member of Forza Italia like Gasparri. Who, however, does not agree with the abrogation of senators for life. “As for the list that was read in the Chamber, I made a reflection: the political-cultural area that has governed this country for about ten years does not find any personality who has been appointed senator for life. I I would hope that the senators for life would remainso perhaps an intellectual, a politician from the centre-right area he could become a senator for life,” said Gasparri, who evidently considers people like progressives Giulio AndreottiCesare Merzagora, Vittorio Valletta or Gianni Agnelli.

So that the center-right can finally have a senator for life, therefore, Gasparri intends to push the name of the former commander of the Rose of the Carabinieri. “I would have proposed appointing General Mori and I read that they promoted one collection of signatures precisely to make him a senator for life. I will sign, given that today there are still senators for life. He is a victim of Italian bad justice”, claimed the group leader of the Arcore party. The reference is probably to the petition launched two years ago by the newspaper The Reformist. At the time, however, Mori had just received the acquittal in the appeal of the so-called trial on Mafia State Negotiation. Now, however, he has ended up under investigation for complicity in the massacres of Rome, Florence And Milan, for mafia association, and for association with the purposes of international terrorism and subversion of the democratic order. Accusations all to be proven obviously: it should be remembered that Mori was always acquitted in the trials in which he was accused.

At the moment, however, the former general is still under investigation for very delicate crimes. Also for this reason the PD he attacked Gasparri’s proposal, with the senator Enza Rando. “It is a shame that on the day in which we commemorate the Capaci mafia massacre in the Senate chamber, the provocative proposal to nominate General Mori senator for life, once again under investigation for the 1993 massacres, can be put forward by the majority benches – says the dem’s anti-mafia manager – Trials take place in the courts, not in Parliament! If they were still alive, they would have deserved this honor instead Giovanni FalconeFrancesca Morvillo, Vito SchifaniRocco Dicillo and Antonio Montinaro, servants of the State until the last moment of their lives”.

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