Mourning for the death of Carlo Serio, partisan and honorary president of Anpi

Mourning for the death of Carlo Serio, partisan and honorary president of Anpi
Mourning for the death of Carlo Serio, partisan and honorary president of Anpi

There is also mourning in the province of Lucca following the death of the partisan Carlo Serio at the age of 92. Originally from Siena he has lived in Lucca all his life.

Condolences were expressed by Province of Lucca.

A life that of Carlo Serio which saw him, very young, at 13 years old, already involved in Resistenceto act as a relay for the partisans, because, as he himself remembered, his young age allowed him to go unnoticed and, therefore, to be able to carry messages and weapons to the partisans engaged in the liberation from the Nazi-fascists. Over time, he continued his commitment, always being an active member of the Anpi, of which he was also president and, subsequently, honorary president.
With his loss, one of the most important voices of those days goes out. A witness who knew how to convey the experiences lived firsthand and by his family, making the Memory become the heritage of each of us. Memories that will remain anyway, thanks to his testimony which will never fade and will continue to enrich us.

“The Province of Lucca – we read in a note from Palazzo Ducale – is close to the family of Carlo Serio in this sad moment and offers them its deepest condolences for what is not only the pain of a family, but which is a loss shared by the entire Lucca community”.

Also expressing condolences isHistorical Institute of the Resistance and the Contemporary Age in the province of Lucca.

“A partisan boy of the Bonacchi Formation, he distinguished himself for courageous actions: an anti-fascist commitment that he loved to remember as shared by his mother – they recall -. Seriousness and loyalty are qualities that later distinguished him in the work carried out in the administrative field in the marble sector. Active in the Anpi of Lucca, he validly held the position of provincial president of the association for some years. Reserved and silent, he was always appreciated for his meekness, correctness and friendliness. As a member of our Institute, he constantly followed our activity with his precious contribution and shared encouragement.”

The world of politics was also shaken. “I met Carlo Serio in 2021, in the Anpi headquarters in Palazzo Ducale, when we were collecting signatures together for the popular initiative law bill against fascism – he writes councilor Daniele Bianucci -. He, honorary president of the association, had participated in the Resistance at the age of 13 as a relay for the partisans, playing an important role in the Liberation. Yesterday Carlo passed away, and with him another voice of a courageous generation, to whom we owe our freedom and our democracy. We remain fortunate to have been able to directly encounter such a beautiful testimony; and above all we remain responsible for remembering, with gratitude, those who put aside their natural fear to expose themselves against the dictatorship, abuses, violence and enemy invasion”.

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