“Intervened several times. Now new underground checks”

Were the sewers, put to the test by Wednesday evening’s downpour in the San Benedetto neighbourhood, clean? Yesterday Graziano Rinaldini questioned this, speaking at a Green event, noting the action of the vacuum cleaners. And RinnoviAmo Forlì, the civic list that supports the center-left candidate, has also relaunched the topic. He did so by quoting the interview that Il Carlino published yesterday with mayor Gian Luca Zattini (all the candidates were interviewed on the issues of reconstruction): “Sewers surveyed and cleaned”, he said.

“We hope that the mayor’s words are reliable”, write the centre-left civic leaders. But they note that “the people of Forlì have seen their concerns grow in parallel with the water level”. The reference is to via Monte Nero and via Monte San Marco, crossroads of via Isonzo close to the railway. “The situation was worrying. The manholes seemed blocked”, is the comment of Franca Patuelli, candidate on the list who lives in San Benedetto. By the way: criticism of the Municipality of Forlì, once again, was also expressed on Wednesday by the CGIL of Forlì-Cesena: “Ceremonies, statues, conferences will not be enough to erase the truth, the suffering, the indignation”.

Contacted, the environmental councilor Giuseppe Petetta (in the small photo), explains: “During and after the flood, those sections of sewers were cleaned several times. On Wednesday evening there was only a slowdown in the drainage of the water “. In other words, as has happened before, the holes failed to collect water faster than it fell from the sky. “Yesterday Hera carried out a further thorough cleaning action: in the next few days they will put up the cameras to see if there are other critical issues.” However, he underlines that “the interventions were timely”. The councilor, reports the Municipality, “intervened door to door in via Pelacano, via Isonzo and neighboring streets”, “present all night”.

Yesterday the deputy of Fratelli d’Italia Alice Buonguerrieri also spoke: “The territory has reacted, it has risen again supported by the great spirit of the people of Romagna and by the extraordinary resources which, by the Meloni Government, have been allocated in record time. After a year the emergency sums have been reimbursed 100%, 3.5 billion have been allocated for the safety of the territory which, let us remember, is the responsibility of the Region and local authorities, and 100% compensation for damages to private individuals has begun Could he have done more? Could it have been done better? Surely Elly Schlein could have done it when he was vice president of Emilia-Romagna.” And you recall that “private individuals damaged by the 2019 Villafranca flood were reimbursed only after 5 years”.

On the controversies of recent days, the voice of Daniele La Bruna, a member of the Christian Democracy candidate for civic Forlì Cambia, also rises from the right: “Mayor Gian Luca Zattini preferred, rather than putting his shoes in the mud to show himself to the audience, remain in the shadows to coordinate the correct functioning of the rescue machine”.

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